Thursday, July 10, 2008


You don't have to suffer from painful gas and you really don't have to depend on over the counter medicine that eventually becomes ineffective. There are several natural and easy ways to help relieve flatulence.

  • Change your coffee for tea
  • Reduce fats and sugar
  • Exercise daily (low impact such as walking or biking, swimming is good too)
  • Do stretching exercises.
  • Chew your food slowly and completely
  • Try not to drink soda or at least limit its consumption
  • Consider being lactose intolerant; try eliminating milk from your diet or consult your doctor for an alternative.
  • If you discover that certain foods aggravate this condition reduce or eliminate their consumption
  • Chamomile tea, one cup before going to bed. It will help relax you intestines and therefore reduce spasms.
  • Ginger is also a good antispasmodic and good for most digestive ailments. Peel about one one inch of a ginger root, slice and boil in 3 cups of water for some 15 to 20 minutes. Drink through the day. Of course, you may take ginger capsules instead - just follow the directions on the bottle.
  • You might want to try chewing on fennel seeds or use them to make tea.
  • Star anise tea, used commonly for women right after delivery and for newborn babies; it is not only good for your tummy, but good to your palate.
  • Massage your tummy clockwise for 10 minutes - this will relieve discomfort and push gas out.
  • Take Yoga classes, it does relieve from gas.

    And, last but not least, lay on your back, pull your knees to your chest and then rock in a circular motion.

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