Tuesday, July 1, 2008

About hair again!

My dear friend Freya shared with me the other day a prescription to get rid of dandruff that her cousin, who used to be a stylist in New York, shared with her some years ago and that worked very well:

About 24 aspirins
A small amount of peroxide

Make a paste and apply with a tooth brush on the scalp. Do it as many times as necessary until dandruff disappears. The only thing though, is I forgot to ask how often... I will and will report.

And here some more good advice:

  1. Did you know that the sun can change our hair color? Well, according to the experts, it is so, therefore we should do as in the movies from the 40's, use a scarf (or a hat) whenever we go outdoors, even if you are using products with ingredients to block ultraviolet rays, their protection is not enough.
  2. Remember what our old aunt used to say? Do not rub your hair with a towel after shampooing, blot only. Hair is very vulnerable when wet and rubbing will only damage it.
  3. Do not brush when wet, use a wide-toothed comb and like grandma used to say, better if tortoise shell, otherwise rubber should be our second choice; plastic combs so popular due to their price are a big "no-no" and don't even think of metal!
  4. And here goes what we all know very well but pay very little attention to: Blow driers, hot rollers, curling irons, straightening irons and all those fancy items that helps us look orderly and neat ARE NOT GOOD! Let's be smart and choose a hairstyle that will be easy and attractive to maintain without those harmful aids - I used to be smart, I am letting my hair grow long once more, I suppose I should prepare to look my worst most days not to go bold before I turn 80; I would not be ready to use a wig at that age.
  5. But, if you insist (like most of us) on using a blow dryer, do not use it when it is still dripping water because you will get split ends due to the excessive amount of heat needed to dry your hair.
  6. Do not use your blow dryer when your hair has dried either, it is as bad.
  7. Set your blow dryer on medium or low, never use the high setting, even if you are late to work; what is worse, a nasty look from your boss and co-workers or no hair on your head?
  8. Remember they use to tell us to brush 100 times every night? Well, they were wrong, 15 to 20 strokes should suffice, according to my sources more can damage your hair instead of helping it.
  9. Brushing at night is a very good idea, as normally your hair is totally dry and that is what we need to distribute the oils from the scalp to the tip of our hair, which will make it look shiny and healthy. Of course a natural bristle brush is what we need to use, no fake stuff for the hair miladies! Or, gentlemen too, of course!
  10. Want to get rid of that dreadful static? Apply a drop of hand cream to your palms, rub well and run your hands over your dry hair, or... get this... rub your hair lightly with a fabric softener sheet! I rather use the cream or put hair spray on my hairbrush or buy one of those miracle bottles that the hairdresser insists is a must for a hair as electric as yours.
Well, that is it for tonight, more on hair to come soon, but please don't forget: Brush gently, brush gently, brush gently - your hair can be either your best friend or your worst... (I won't say that ugly word) so, be nice to it.

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