Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stinging Nettle for Diabetes and Other

Have you heard the expression "7-minute itch"? It originated on the sting caused by the sharp spines on the nettle leaves. It can easily be cured by rubbing the leaves of mint, rosemary or sage over the affected area.

Nettle has among many things: histamines, chlorophyll, enzymes, hormones, mineral salts, formic acid, and vitamin C.

Nettle is said to purify the blood stream due to is diuretic effects and its detoxifying agents.

  • Reduces sugar levels in the blood.
  • Stimulates the metabolism.
  • It s a digestion aid.
  • Works as an analgesic.
  • Alleviates arthritis and gout discomfort.
  • Promotes a clean and healthy skin.
  • Prevents premature hair loss.
  • Helps prevent kidney stones.
  • Those with enlarged prostates might find it helpful to urinate without difficulty.
  • Cures anemia.
  • The new and tender leaves might be added to salad or soup as a digestion aid.
Blood Purifier Tea:

1/2 ounce nettle leaves
1/2 ounce dandelion leaves
1/2 ounce birch leaves
1/2 ounce rose hip

Mix well and put a teaspoon of this mixture in a cup, add boiling water and let it sit for ten minutes. Drink this tea twice a day.

This might also work well for acne.

Tea to cure anemia:

1/2 ounce nettle
1/2 ounce yarrow (milfoil)
1/2 ounce St. John's Wort
1/2 juniper cones
1/4 ounce mint leaves

Mix well and put one to two teaspoons of this mixture in a cup, add boiling water and let it sit for ten minutes. Drink this tea half an hour before each meal. Add honey - I read it is delicious.

Tea for arthritis and gout:

1 ounce nettle
1/2 ounce mint
1/2 ounce meadowsweet
1/2 ounce willow bark

Mix well and put three tablespoons of this mixture in a one-litter container, add boiling water and let it sit for five minutes, sieve. Drink this tea through the day for 3 weeks. Stop for ten days and then repeat.

All of the above I have obtained through different sources, I have not tested any of the teas. However, if you would decide to try any of the teas above, please let me know on the results.

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