Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pineapple a bromeliad!

A Flower? Juicy, sweet and delicious.

Pineapples are rich in: vitamins A, C, E, K, vitamin B1/2/3 (thiamin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), B12, niacin, fiber, abundant in water plus calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc.

Besides having about 75 calories per serving and zero cholesterol, it contains no saturated fats or mono fats; it does have though omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. It does contain some amino acids and citric, organic and malic a acids.

With all those good things said, I would like to tell you that my husband got chicken pox when he was 35 years old; the boys had gone through it, a young girl that worked for us also got it and then, when I thought all had passed, he got it! At the time we were living in Ecuador and because of his age I expected something horrible to happen, but we had a wonderful doctor that came to the house everyday and gave him these great anti-inflammatory medicine based on pineapples and papayas, plus indicated that he should follow a bland diet. He hardly had one or two blisters, and in general it all went very well. After that I decided to investigate a little more on those two fruits. I found out that pineapples are:

-a great anti-inflammatory

-a great protection against macular degeneration

-a great digestive aid, get rid of constipation

-provide antioxidant protection

-a great booster of the immune system

-energy booster

Pineapples are used not only as a dessert but also in the preparation of main dishes, in addition to making great fresh juice and ice cream; and I mention ice cream separated from desserts because ice cream is ice cream!

Pineapples have been so important throughout history that King Charles II of England posed for a portrait receiving a pineapple as a gift.

Sculptures of pineapples have been displayed outside homes as a sign of hospitality – welcoming friends and strangers.

In the north east of the United States, having pineapple served during important events said a lot about the host and hostess social status and it is said that pineapples were rented by the day so they could be exhibited at these events.

It is also associated with warm memories.

Pineapples are peeled, cut and cored before eating. The core is so fibrous that it could cut small incisions on the tongue making it a little difficult to eat; the “eyes” of the pineapple should also be avoided, they are prickly.

If possible, the best way to present it is the way the people from Thailand do (I am sure there is a great method to follow, I’ll do my best to explain):

Cut the crown and put aside

Cut the base and discard

Peel by sections starting at the top towards the bottom

Once all peel is gone, make diagonal incisions to eliminate the “eyes”

Core with a long, thin knife (in Thailand they have a special device for this)


Put slices together on a platter forming the pineapple

Cut in sections and top with the crown

It not only looks beautiful, it is ready for guests at a buffet table


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Tea, is more than a waker upper and a delicious brew that can be enjoyed at any time during the day.

-Controls and prevents gas. I learned this during a women's retreat last year. Most women have serious problems using public bathrooms and even more problems when the bathroom is in a shared cabin. I learned this from two Colombian ladies when searching for the farthest, most hidden bathroom in the compound. Drink tea, it will make your stay more comfortable.

-Contains fluoride. Good not only for your teeth but also for your bones. I read a long time ago that fluoride fixates calcium to your bones.

-Menstrual cramps? Put a pair of socks to warm your feet and have a delicious cup of tea with plenty of sugar; wait a few minutes and you will see how good it feels. You can also add a warm towel to your tummy.

-Pink eye? Why use antibiotic creams or drops if you have tea handy and it actually works faster! Boil about half a cup of water or less, put two bags of tea in it and then put it in the freezer to cool as much as possible without allowing it to freeze. Put a bag on each eye and allow the tea to go into your eyes, you can always let some drops in with a dropper. It feels fresh and soothing in addition to improve your eyes dramatically. I have used it many times not only for pink eye but when my eyes are tired or irritated.

-Bought your nylons in a shade too pale for your skin? Let your nylons boil in tea for a few minutes - it works! We all did when I was in high school.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Melissa or Lemon Balm - Toronjil

I remember that when I was a little girl, adults would joke about giving Melissa tea "agua de toronjil" to anybody that was sour, edgy or plain rude.

Melissa or Lemon Balm is a member of the mint family. It is known to have been used in the middle ages as a calming herb to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep. It is also used as a digestion aid and to calm menstrual cramps or colics.

Melissa was brought from the middle east to the west by the Benedictine monks and later brought to the North American colonies not only as medicine but also as a seasoning herb.

Because of its fragrance, Melissa attracts bees, therefore its name, which means "honey bee".

When used as essential oil, it can even be used to calm stressed or overactive children: put a few drops in a humidifier or in one of those essential oil heaters (I don't know their name).

Melissa also alleviates respiratory difficulties in cases of allergy, asthma, cough, colds, etc.

In addition to the above, it heals cold sores: Take a drop of Melissa's essential oil and add a drop of water, apply over the sore or blister.

It also can be used to alleviate itchiness caused by insect bites: Add 1 teaspoon of Melissa's essential oil to 3.5 ounces of petroleum Vaseline, mix well. Rub lightly on bites.

To alleviate the pain caused by herpes zoster, add 5 drops of Melissa's essential oil to 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Rub it lightly and regularly over affected area.

The tea is made by adding 3 leaves to a litter of boiling water; turn off and let brew. Drink as much as needed. If given to children, instead of three leaves, use only one.

NEVER apply Melissa's essential oil directly on the skin as it might irritate it; always use water, Vaseline or olive or jojoba oil to dilute.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Are you suffering from backache and not sure what is causing it? X-rays show nothing abnormal? Lab tests come back normal?

Try putting your feet one at a time under the water before the rest of your body when you take a shower; just as you were taught to do when you were little.

This was good advise given to my husband by an older and wise friend when we lived in Costa Rica. It worked very well.

We both have adopted that ever since.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Milk to treat a congested cold?

Believe it or not! Maybe it was because at the time milk was not contaminated with all the extra "good things" they have added.

What I remembered last night is that when I was little, I suffered from asthma. My mother used to cook milk with thyme, cinnamon and coconut and give it to me. It always was good, but as I said, milk was pure then.

Nowadays, milk makes me sneeze, get a stuffed nose and sometimes gives me the sensation of an oppressed chest; of course that does not happen when I drink organic milk.

This all reminds me that thyme is also very good for many things... but, that is subject for another post.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Want to get rid of the phlegm?

My niece, who is attending fourth year of med school, was taken to the hospital last week with pneumonia.

My mother who just turned 79 started showing symptoms of pneumonia. Needless to say, we have been extremely worried, as this happened just after she had almost stopped eating for several weeks and had lost a considerable amount of weight.

The doctor prescribed a strong antibiotic for my mom and other medication for the phlegm and the cough. The antibiotic started working and her fever went down, however the syrup was not doing its job and the doctor has to be very careful in what he prescribes since she is taken medication for high blood pressure and some heart issues.

One of the neighbors, a doctor's wife, came to visit and advised the following, which by the way has been extremely helpful and... with no side effects!

1 carrot
1 clove of garlic
1 1/2 cups of water, bring to a boil, let it go down to two cups
Drink the tea sweetened with honey

Proven to be effective!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I always liked my freckles until we moved to South Florida, then maybe because of the unavoidable exposure to the sun all of a sudden my freckles became so big that they started joining one another making the equivalent to the America's map on my left cheek.

I have been using several prescription lotions and even a sunscreen with an SPF 80; it has been a long, long, long process and just now one of those horrendous freckles started to fade somewhat.

Searching, searching, I found that dandelions have proven to be quite successful in the treatment of freckles and I will start using the two mixtures below as soon as I find dandelions. I am going to the natural food store this week - they probably have them.

Here are the recipes I found in a loose page of what must have been a very, very old book.


Get a handful of dandelion flowers in a litter and 1/4 of cold water. Let boil for 20 to 30 minutes, sieve. Wash your face in the morning and at night with this.


Make a cream with the following:

100 grams of dandelion flowers fresh juice (I have no idea how to make this though)
100 grams of rice starch
Starch glycerate (a trip to the natural food store is a must now!)
Apply every night

I am going to look for the ingredients and will keep you posted. However, if any of my readers decides to go for these two items and find the ingredients sooner,please share with us the results.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chayote Squash (Guisquil) - The Latest!!

My dear friend Diane and her friend Sheryl spent yesterday morning with me; I baked bread and Diane brought German Pancake a.k.a. Deutsch Baby complete with all the trimmings. Needless to say we had fun and ate too much; naturally the conversation veered towards weight loss sometime during this feast. A feast is not a feast unless we feel guilty about it...

Sooo, this is what I learned yesterday:

Make a smoothie with a chayote squash, water and honey. Drink it, it will curb your appetite; in fact, you will be so satisfied you will not need to eat for quite a while.

Because of what I heard, it is my understanding that it could also be a great cure for constipation.

If you try it, let me know what happens.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Cornstarch for Reflux!

My mother told me last night that there is nothing as refreshing nor that guarantees a good night sleep as to drink the following after the last meal of the day:

2 tablespoons of cornstarch in 1/2 a glass of water, move with a spoon and drink.

Of course she says that individuals must exercise their good judgment as to the time when they eat in the evenings and also sleep in a semi-sitting position.

She says that if for any reason the individual cannot have a special bed, or adapt the one he's using; old phone books under the mattress at the head of the bead have worked for some people.

Arthritis, Painful and Unwelcome

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that could have rheumatic or traumatic origin. Traumatic when it shows its ugly head after a fall or a fracture.

Those who know, recommend that individuals suffering of arthritis include in their diet the following: Pineapples, asparagus, plantains, artichokes, cabbage, endives, wheat, honey, cherries, potatoes, grapefruits, tomatoes, redcurrant and grapes.

Here is a tea recommended for arthritis:

1 tablespoon of artichoke leaves
1/2 liter of cold water
Make this boil for 5 minutes, sieve. Drink a glass of this tea half of an hour before the two main meals of the day at least for 10 to 12 continuous days.

Let me know how that works!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Honey, Honey – Sweet and Golden

Ooh, the things to be said about honey!

If this were a historical blog, I could type an entry that would easily take a good day and a half to red, but, I will concentrate on this blog’s objective as much as I can.

It is said that beekeeping with the intention of producing honey started around 700 B.C.

For a long time in history, honey’s use in cooking was reserved only for the wealthy because it was so expensive only they could afford it.

For millennia, honey was a queen in the culinary world until the advent of sugar. Although honey is still used as a sweetener, sugar is widely used because of its price.

Honey has been regarded as sacred, being used in religious ceremonies, as a tribute to the gods and to embalm the dead. I has been attributed mythical and mystical properties. Ambrosia, the drink of the gods, was said to be made of honey, bestowing immortality on those who drank of it.

We find many customs and traditions associated with honey among almost all cultures and races.

In modern times, we have focused on its therapeutic properties, its use in confectionery and pastry making, as well as its use in cosmetics.

Honey can be pasteurized or raw. Raw honey is the one that has not been pasteurized, clarified or filtered. Always look for 100% pure honey; it is normally indicated on the label. Remember that its flavor is directly related to its color. The darker the color, the deeper the flavor.

You might also look for honeydew varieties, which have been found to have higher levels of disease-fighting antioxidants.

Look for honey that has been produced by beekeepers that do not use refined sugar as a feed source or use harmful insecticides.

Do not give to children less than a year old; it contains clostridium botulinum, a bacteria that can cause infant botulism, a life-threatening, paralytic disease. Honey is safe for older children and adults.


Keep hone stored in an airtight container and in a cool dry place; it will keep for a long, long time and its flavor will continue unaltered.

Cooking with honey:

· When honey has crystallized, place the container in hot water for a few minutes.

· Do not heat honey in the microwave.

· If you do not want honey to stick to spoons, use it in its liquid form.

· Honey is sweeter than sugar – use less: Approximately one half of a cup of honey to a cup of sugar.

· When using honey to cook, reduce the amount of liquid in the recipe; approximately one quart of a cup.

· Reduce the cooking temperature by 25° F.

Therapeutic uses:

· A source of energy.

· Physical weakness due to sickness or stress.

· It calms the mind allowing strengthening and peaceful sleep; prevents and treats insomnia.

· Alleviates indigestion.

· Used to treat cardiovascular disease.

· Used to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis, dissolves mucus: Mix some honey with one teaspoon of chopped fresh thyme and take as often as needed.

· Great skin disinfectants and small wounds healer: it dries water excess, reduces swelling and prevents infections by destroying germs. Just apply on the wound and cover with a sterilized bandage.

· Chapped lips healer. Apply as you would Vaseline.

· Used to treat coughs and colds: Make syrup with a quart of a cup of honey and the fresh juice of a lime. Take by the teaspoon through the day.

· Use it as a relaxant: Take two tablespoons of honey and three drops of lavender oil; add to you bath. You will sleep like a baby!

· Hay Fever. Use honey produced locally.

Mmhh… Yummy!!!

· As a sweetener in your tea or fresh fruit juices

· In a banana/strawberry smoothie.

· On apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon.

· With yogurt.

· On French bread or a slice of any bread with white cheese.

· On a banana with peanut butter.

· On a banana with sour cream.

· On toast.

Although rich in calories (a tablespoon has 64), honey has no fat and no cholesterol; is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, glucose, fructrose, vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12, niacin, and vitamin C.

Honey is not considered a vegan food.

Interesting info on honey:

· Honey was believed to be the symbol of the purest and noblest in Nature.

· It was used as a talisman, a protector from all evil.

· Germanic and Slavic races ate honey on Maundy Thursday to gain protection against all diseases.

· Honey was sprinkled in a room on Holy Saturday to kill mice and rats.

· It was given to cows to prevent pestilence.

· Honey was poured into wells to prevent contamination.

· A string dipped into honey at sunrise and tied around a fruit tree would produce a rich fruit crop.

· Blessing the fields with honey was an old custom.

· In ancient Germanic, farmers poured milk and honey after plowing the first furrow.

· It was believed that the honey combs of a stingy or quarrelsome individual would be dry.

· It was good to send honey to the neighbors.

· Denying honey to the sick meant no honey in the combs in the future.

· To refuse honey to children was a sin against Mary and Joseph.

· To send honey to a dying person was bad luck.

· Menstruating women would turn the honey sour.

· A tree with bees nesting on it was believed to be magic.

· In Finland if a girl bakes a honey cake on Christmas Eve, keeps it in her bed overnight, and then gives a piece to her sweetheart, he will be faithful forever.

· Bees nesting on a home bring prosperity.

· Lightning will not strike a home were bees are nesting.

· Bees are believed to have originated in India.

· Honey is mentioned in many ancient manuscripts, including the Talmud and the Bible.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cinnamon and Honey for Arthritis

My dear friend Clarita told me this past Saturday after her son's wonderful performance that she has been drinking a mixture of honey and cinnamon to control the inflammation of her finger joints.

She says to be cautious though, because the prolonged use of it might irritate your stomach. She told me she was going to start putting the honey and cinnamon on her morning toast. She will keep us posted on the results.

Coconut Oil

This has been a great week! I have learned quite a few things and one of those is that virgin organic cold-cold pressed coconut oil is fantastic for our health. My good friend Adolfo has been using it on daily basis for the last nine months.

He told me that in four months his "good" cholesterol levels improved whereas the "bad" cholesterol diminished and in addition the gap between the two cholesterols became a lot smaller.

He also called my attention to something all of us would be so happy to have, a great skin, shiny and soft - he showed me his elbow and I could not believe it. His face and arms looked absolutely smooth and healthy. I want that skin!

Then I remembered that I was told that when people are dehydrated coconut water is very good; somebody said in a conversation that it can even be used intravenously - I don't know if that is true though.

I also had heard that a human could survive for a long time drinking the water and eating coconut because it is so complete. So, if we ever are stranded in a solitary island, let's hope it is a tropical island.

What I know is that when we lived in Martinique, a lady told me that she had been prescribed coconut water and coconut itself to prevent fatigue and depression. I thought that was a great prescription because I love coconut.

I started investigating a bit on it; the first thing I read is that it does not clog our arteries, then I found out the following:

  • It is an important ingredient in baby's formulas
  • It is used in the diet of seriously ill patients
  • It is recommended for digestive and nutritional issues
  • It is recommended as protection against heart diseases
  • It has showed positive effects on people suffering from hemorrhoids, psoriasis, bladder infections and even the flu
Adolfo tells me that he uses this oil in lieu of butter or other oils; he adds it to the soup and to almost everything he eats. He says to keep it in the refrigerator to keep it solid to make it easier to spoon it out and that he consumes 5 tablespoons of coconut oil every day.

Coconut oil is not cheap, he told me of a place where he buys it for $42/gallon; I found a web site where they sell it at $70 and that is their "sale" price!

At any rate this is something very well worth considering; I know I am considering it very seriously.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cider Vinegar For Thought...

My friend Adolfo told me this afternoon that he has been taking cider vinegar for many years. Sometime ago he noticed the enamel on his teeth had worn off and by process of elimination, he got to the conclusion that it was the vinegar. So, he stopped taking it; due to its many great qualities, he decided to start drinking it again - now he uses a straw and immediately after, he rinses his mouth with baking soda to counteract the alkaline effects of the vinegar.

He also told me about coconut oil, but... that is material for another post. I will return...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stinging Nettle for Diabetes and Other

Have you heard the expression "7-minute itch"? It originated on the sting caused by the sharp spines on the nettle leaves. It can easily be cured by rubbing the leaves of mint, rosemary or sage over the affected area.

Nettle has among many things: histamines, chlorophyll, enzymes, hormones, mineral salts, formic acid, and vitamin C.

Nettle is said to purify the blood stream due to is diuretic effects and its detoxifying agents.

  • Reduces sugar levels in the blood.
  • Stimulates the metabolism.
  • It s a digestion aid.
  • Works as an analgesic.
  • Alleviates arthritis and gout discomfort.
  • Promotes a clean and healthy skin.
  • Prevents premature hair loss.
  • Helps prevent kidney stones.
  • Those with enlarged prostates might find it helpful to urinate without difficulty.
  • Cures anemia.
  • The new and tender leaves might be added to salad or soup as a digestion aid.
Blood Purifier Tea:

1/2 ounce nettle leaves
1/2 ounce dandelion leaves
1/2 ounce birch leaves
1/2 ounce rose hip

Mix well and put a teaspoon of this mixture in a cup, add boiling water and let it sit for ten minutes. Drink this tea twice a day.

This might also work well for acne.

Tea to cure anemia:

1/2 ounce nettle
1/2 ounce yarrow (milfoil)
1/2 ounce St. John's Wort
1/2 juniper cones
1/4 ounce mint leaves

Mix well and put one to two teaspoons of this mixture in a cup, add boiling water and let it sit for ten minutes. Drink this tea half an hour before each meal. Add honey - I read it is delicious.

Tea for arthritis and gout:

1 ounce nettle
1/2 ounce mint
1/2 ounce meadowsweet
1/2 ounce willow bark

Mix well and put three tablespoons of this mixture in a one-litter container, add boiling water and let it sit for five minutes, sieve. Drink this tea through the day for 3 weeks. Stop for ten days and then repeat.

All of the above I have obtained through different sources, I have not tested any of the teas. However, if you would decide to try any of the teas above, please let me know on the results.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Acne, Self Esteem's Foe

This enemy to emotional peace and comfort is believed to be only for young people (teen to 30 years old) however, it could raise its horrible head again at fifty!

Sometimes if an individual eats too much, has difficult digestions and constipation, bad circulation, or some disorder of the endocrine glands, it might manifest its presence.

A very simple diet is recommended for individuals affected with acne: Light meats such as rabbit, chicken or veal. Abundant raw vegetables and fresh fruits. Avoid as much as possible over seasoned, spicy or fried dishes, coffee and tea.

I read in a natural medicine book that my mother gave me, two ways to treat it; use both at the same time as one is by ingestion and the other one is for external use.


Mix equal parts of crushed burdock root and crushed nettle root. Take 2 tablespoons of this mixture and add to 1/2 litter of cold water. Allow to boil for 20 minutes and sieve. Drink preferably hot, half before breakfast and half before going to bed.

If the individual suffering acne also suffers constipation, add to the mixture above one tablespoon of licorice.

WARNING: Make sure that you use burdock root only as indicated. Mixed with other ingredients can be poisonous.

To apply on the skin:

100 grams of fresh juice made of burdock leaves
30 grams of lime juice
Starch glycerate (starch glycerol)
20 grams of buckwheat

Make a cream with it and apply every afternoon after washing skin with a herbal soap.

Please keep in mind I have never used the treatments above, I cannot attest to their effectiveness, all I can say it is in a book that has given me good advise before.

Burdock is
known for its diuretic and blood purifying qualities; good for boils, scurvy and rheumatic affections. Good for ulcers, scaly skin and chronic indigestion.

As a poultice is good for tumors, gout, bruises and inflammation.

Buckwheat is commonly used for baking, as its flour is considered very nutritious and of easy digestion.

It is used to treat erysipelas and to restore the flow of milk in nursing mothers.

Buckwheat may cause a rash on allergic individuals when ingested.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Olive Oil

My sister just started using a mixture of 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the content of two vitamin E capsules. She says just to rub it on the nails and they will get stronger. I will start this coming weekend and will keep you posted.

But what I know for sure is that in Guatemala teething babies are given what is called French bread, it is hardened or toasted in the oven and then sprinkled with olive oil and a few grains of salt. The baby scratches his gums with the bread and the olive oil coats his tummy so when he picks up dirty objects and puts them in his mouth they won't harm him. Babies get diarrhea often when they are teething.

Also, many years ago one of my loved ones got very sick to his stomach, I did what I do every time I am desperate and don't know what to do: I called my mom; source of all my inspiration.

She simply said, give him two tablespoons of olive oil with a dash of salt or a drop of lime juice. I asked her if that would make more harm than good and she explained to me that unless it would be a very bad infection, what it would do is kind of sweep it clean in one shot and immediately after all diarrhea would stop. I did because I trust her and presto, chango ala kazoo! He felt better in no time.

There are plenty of good things about olive oil; I will continue tomorrow.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Chamomile The Lady of The House

Our first baby suffered of colics. His colics seemed to get worst every night at 6 p.m. and the horrendous session would last approximately one hour. He was in pain and I cried alongside. I tried many things, anise tea, Chamomile tea, warm towels on his tummy and also on his feet - the colics lasted 3 months.

When he was five, he was having some digestive problems and I took him to the naturist doctor, she advised the following: In a shallow pan, heat up two tablespoons of olive oil, put one tablespoon of Chamomile flowers and let them stand for a few hours. Give him the oil through the day - it did work.

When our second son was born, he had a very delicate skin; sometimes his pajamas would leave marks on it - I was told to add Chamomile tea to his bath to strengthen the skin - again, it did its job.

Different applications, good results!

We like to drink it after a big dinner as a digestive, relaxing tea.

Here a list of great things Chamomile can do for you:

-Menstrual cramps.
-Gall bladder stones.
-Tooth ache -
hold the tea in your mouth for a few minutes, several times a day.
-Jaw throbbing.
-Middle ear infections
-Drastic mood changes: Stubbornness, irritability, impulsiveness, anxiety.
-Difficulty to sleep at night and drowsiness in the daytime.
-Emotional aches.
-Fear of rejection.
-Baby's teething.
-When one cheek is cold and the other is hot -
hold the tea in your mouth for a few minutes.
-Painful flatulence (gas).
-Frequent burping.
-Nauseas after drinking coffee.
-Sweats after eating.
-Hot feet.
-Numb and weak hands.
-Sciatic pain.
-Joint pain.
-Muscle cramps.
-Heavy leg sensation.
-Conjunctivitis, eye irritations.
-Cold sores.
-All skin irritations.
-Ulcerative colitis.
-Minor wounds;
as a poultice, will reduce swelling and might even prevent gangrene.
-Irritable bowel syndrome.
-Crohn's Disease.
-Burning and tired eyes
- use a few drops of the tea without sugar; when applied externally will relieve puffiness and black circles.
-In some of the Caribbean islands, they rub the tea on the skin as an insect repellent.

As in previous entries, I am sure I will be back with more.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Action is Needed to Boost the Inmune System

Here are some tips that have been given to me to boos the immune system. Everyday:

  1. A balanced diet.
  2. Deep breathing, the kind they teach you in Yoga class.
  3. Regular, moderate exercise (if possible one hour a day).
  4. 1,000 ER - Vitamin A (1 carrot).
  5. 60 mg. - Vitamin C (1 orange).
  6. 8 to 10 mg. - Vitamin E.
  7. Gentle taps for 5 minutes on the mid of the breastbone to stimulate the Thymus, the organ or gland that produces the T-Cells, very important for our immune system.
  8. Keep your home's humidity between 30 and 50% to prevent dryness of the nose. That will protect the Cilium - the hair in your nose - that protect your respiratory system against unwanted germs.
  9. Start your day with a few minutes of a hot shower; then change the temperature to lukewarm or cold.
  10. Always put your right leg in first when you shower. I wish I had a logical explanation for this one, but that is the way I was told since I was very little.
  11. Practice relaxation techniques regularly. Prepare Valerian, lettuce, mint chamomile, Alice Grass or Linden teas. GET RID OF STRESS!!
  12. Lymphatic massages.
  13. Oxygen therapy.
  14. Eat garlic, horseradish, fresh onions to hinder the growth of bacteria.
  15. Put mint oil in your bath.

Health cocktails:

3 carrots
1 orange
1 apple
1/2 beet

Use either the juicer or the blender, drink daily. I was told to give this to my 1-year-old son because he was always catching colds. It did help big time.

We all drank every morning for a year and a half:

A quart of a pound of grapes
7 strands of parsley
1 stalk of celery
1 carrot

If you use the blender, use cheesecloth to strain. Delicious, refreshing, energetic and effective.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Did you know that honey is good for cracked lips? Use it as needed. Wait for more, tomorrow it will be about honey, the golden sweet gift from God.