Monday, March 31, 2008

And You Thought Chives Were Only Chives...

Chives were used in the middle ages to cure the "blues". Nowadays we know that chives and their flowers are rich in vitamins A and C, folic acid (one of the B vitamins), calcium, iron, and potassium. Its high concentration of sulfur compounds and essential oils are responsible for their healing qualities.

This is what I have learned about chives, have not tested them as a health aid, only in the kitchen and love them.

-Chives soothe upset stomachs.
-Effective against heart disease.
-Stimulate appetite.
-Clear a stuffed nose.
Relieve flatulence.
-Believe it or not, sweeten your breath.

-Combined with a low-salt diet, reduce high blood pressure.
-Reduces cholesterol levels.
-Good for cold prevention.
-Expectorant and mucus reducer.


-Chop chives just before using.
-Never heat them up, always add before serving.
-Flowers have a milder taste than leaves.
-Flowers can be added to the salads.
-Flowers good for garnishing.

If you plant them at home put in pot near a window. Cut when chives reach approximately 6 inches. Do not allow to blossom unless you want to use the flowers.

Chives can be frozen: Chop chives and place them in ice cube trays, add water. Defrost by placing cubes in a sieve before using.

Chives salt:
Chop chives
Add salt and mix
Place on cookie sheet
Place in oven at very low temperature until dry
Keep in hermetic container

Chives oil:

1 litter olive oil
3 chives buds
Let stand for a week or until it changes its color to a soft lilac
Keep refrigerated

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sage, The Saving Herb

Sage, in Spanish Salvia - from the Latin Salvare, which means to save or heal. In Guatemala it's called Salvia Santa, Holy Sage. Wow!

Did you know that there is not part of the sage plant that isn't good for us? This means we can use the leaves, the flowers and the stems. Every piece of it!

I remember that when I was little, every time someone would go through a very emotional moment, somebody would run out to the garden, cut some Salvia Santa leaves and make a cup of tea for the affected individual.

I saw it being administered to a person that was suffering what I now believe was Delirium Tremens.

Sage has three essential oils - Thuya, Camphor, Eucalyptol; it also has substances that help control sweat and have same effects as estrogen.

-In the middle ages it was used to extend your years on earth - longevity...

-I just read that chopped leaves when added to the toothpaste act as a powerful antiseptic that helps eliminate plaque, works as a disinfectant and strengthens bleeding gums.

Sage tea:

Pour a cup of hot water over two sage leaves, let it brew for ten minutes.

Sage vinegar:

Add sage leaves to non-distilled wine vinegar.

Rest while you sleep, use a sage pillow:

Just add sage leaves to your pillow.

Use sage extract to make gargles for a sore throat.

When using sage's essential oil for massages, make sure to add water; never use it whole.

Sage uses:

As a soother for the nervous system.
-As an anti inflammatory.
-To control nocturnal or nervous sweating.
-To treat respiratory infections.
-Nasal congestion.
-As a cough suppressant.
-To treat tonsillitis.
-Sage stimulates a healthy appetite.
-Alleviates indigestion.
-Is good for the liver.
-Used to lower fever.
-Good for the kidneys and urinary system.
-It is also used as an aid to control menopause symptoms.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Parsley Good For Neuralgic Headaches, the Circulatory System and to Loose Weight

A little over a year after our first son was born, I started having headaches, which was completely a new experience to me. I started taking over the counter medication and when I realized the headaches only got worse went to the doctor who ordered X rays and gave me some very strong medication that kept me under the radar. Not a good thing when your first baby is barely a year old and your family has been transferred to a new country where you have many things to learn and do.

The headaches kept increasing in length and strength; they would start over my right eyebrow and slowly would creep down the right side of my neck, my back and my leg. I still functioned but under duress. Several years passed by until I finally found a naturist doctor that prescribed the following:

7 strands of parsley
The juice of 3 limes
Put it all in the blender (if you need you may add a little water) and then sieve
Drink that juice 3 times a day

I love parsley, I love limes and what I did is add a little salt to make believe it was some kind of salad (may be...) and wonder of wonders, my headaches improved the very first day and altogether disappeared.

As an added bonus, I lost weight - hooray!!

Later on I read that Parsley is very rich in iron; iron helps oxygenate the blood stream, vitamin C is needed to metabolize the iron.

At any rate, although I do not take the parsley juice anymore, those horrendous headaches disappeared.

Now, I have found that that Ste. Hildegard von Bingen, in the middle ages used to prescribe parsley wine to improve the blood circulation; it was believed that that would help a heart condition as well; here it is:

10-12 parsley strands
1 litter of wine - red or white (I am partial to red)
2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
Boil 10 minutes and then add
9 ounces of honey
Sieve and keep in glass bottles
Take 1 tablespoon three times a day

One day while talking to a French nutritionist, my neighbor, who had worked in Guatemala, she told me that the Indian women in the mountains took parsley tea in abundance as a "family planning" tool. Since then I have found that it is not recommended to pregnant women in big amounts because of its hight apiol content, this oil stimulates uterine contractions.

This same oil is also very good to stimulate kidney function.

I have heard that in Guatemala, lactating mothers eat parsley and also put strands of it on their breasts when they want to stop the flow of milk.

Here are some good things about parsley:

-Medicinal herb known for more than 2,000 years.
-Good to sweeten your breath, if you are a smoker try it, it works beautifully. That's also the reason why it often accompanies garlic dishes.
-The Greek used its seeds and roots for its diuretic and soothing effects when affected by kidney and bladder ailments.
-It strengthens the digestive system.
-It is good for the liver.
-Good to regulate the menstrual cycle.
-Its diuretic effects are good for those women suffering PMS.
-Rich in potassium, calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamins A and C.
-Good in the treatment of anemia.
-Purifies the blood and accelerates the elimination of toxins.
-Helps to stabilize metabolism.
-Diminishes stomach aches and nausea.
-Alleviates the symptoms of arthritis.
-Helps prevent cardio-vascular disease.
-Good in the treatment of cancer due to its high content of the amino acid histidine, which inhibits tumor growth.
-It reduces the cardiac rhythm.
-Reduces blood pressure.

Cooking tips:

-Never cook it, the heat destroys its nutritional value. Always add parsley when food is ready and just before serving.
-Do not use dry parsley, is not as tasty or nourishing.
-Choose Italian parsley over the curly type, higher nutritional value and better flavor.
-Parsley can be frozen.
-If you want to keep it fresh, sprinkle it with water and wrap in paper towels, put it in a sealed plastic bag and refrigerate.
-It may also be placed in a container with water, just as you would do with a flower bouquet and then put it in the refrigerator.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bananas, Ooh Bananas - The Miracle Fruit!

When I was little I was forced to have oatmeal with sliced bananas for breakfast. If I had know what I know now, I would have never complained... bananas boost brain power, keep us alert and make learning easier. To think I could have been a genius...

Bananas are more than an item in our kids' lunch box; here some reasons for their greatness:

-Bananas are the most complete fruit we have.

-Bananas contain amino acids that our body does not produce.

-Bananas contain vitamins C and E, phosphorus, vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, niacin and pantothenic acid.

-Contain sucrose, fructose and glucose, all natural sugars.

-Bananas contain trytophan, a protein that our bodies convert to serotonin which helps us relax and feel happier.

-Feeling blue? Stressed? Eat a banana - you will feel better.

-Bananas' B6 vitamin will regulate blood glucose levels - glucose levels affect our mood.

-Anemia? Eat bananas! They stimulate the production of hemoglobin.

-It is also used to control blood pressure due to its high potassium content - this reduces the risks of a stroke up to 40% - now I know why the older you get the more important bananas become.

-Constipated? Eat bananas, lots of fiber, no need of laxatives.

-Banana vinegar is good to unclog drains, I learned this during our two-year-stay in the "Banana Capital of the World".

-Bikers consider bananas a source of energy.

-A banana milkshake with honey is said to be a quick cure for a hangover.

-Bananas are also used to sooth heartburn.

-I have been told they are good for morning sickness - I have to ask a pregnant woman about this...

-Bananas are rich in Folate, a water-soluble B vitamin needed to prevent the anemia during pregnancy and very important during infancy.

-I just read that the inside of the banana peel can help reduce the swelling and irritation of a mosquito bite.

-Because of all the B vitamins, they are good for the nervous system.

-Good for ulcers. Even chronic ulcers.

-Banana flowers are used to treat bronchitis and diarrhea. Cooked flowers are also used to treat diabetes.

-The banana plant sap is said to be used in cases of hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy and hemorrhoids.

-My husband just told me that many years ago, when bananas did not travel in boxes but on their stem, the stems were used to make fiber for the stuffing of mattresses.

-Green bananas are used as cattle feed in Ecuador.

-And to add to all this goodness, I just read that the banana peel is also good to kill warts: Take the peel and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out and secure with a band aid or surgical tape. If you try this one, please let me know how it works and how long you have to keep the peel over the wart.

-If you run out of plates, you can confidently use banana leaves; it would be interesting to see the reaction of your guests.

There are many ways to eat bananas:

-Banana cream pie

-Dried, they are very sweet and delicious

-Banana milkshake

-A smoothie made of bananas, strawberries and oranges

-Raw, sliced on your cereal


-Banana bread pudding

-Banana bread

-Raw bananas with sour cream and brown sugar on top

-Cut open with peanut butter

-Green banana soup for babies

-Dice green bananas and add them to your beef soup while still cooking, mmh... good!

-Banana chips - a great alternative to potato chips

If you want to share your favorite banana recipe, please do so! I love banana cream pie, but never learned to make it…

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Natural Is Good - Appropriate Medical Counsel is Advised

It is time that I tell you all that although my first choice to treat any ailment will be natural I strongly advise to exercise wisdom. There are times when modern medicine is necessary. Surgery might be the only alternative to get rid of some serious condition; strong medicine the only way to treat an ugly and destructive disease.

Each case is different and everyone should seek appropriate medical counsel.

What I write here is sometimes based on personal experience; sometimes based on the experience of people I know. Sometimes I heard or read about it. I believe that everything that was placed on earth was meant for our benefit if used wisely and in moderation.

Awesome Garlic!

Many years ago we lived in a quaint Atlantic town in Costa Rica; our home overlooked the ocean and we got used to have lunch and dinner on the terrace. Of course nothing is perfect and there was a "long, black" problem: Snakes! The kind that bites you and allows you to take three steps before you find yourself in paradise.

I was afraid because although the houses in the area were built above ground, many of those snakes had been found on the terraces or climbing the stairs; our first son had just been born and I wanted him protected.

My mother suggested that I leave small plates with milk downstairs to distract the snakes but the lady that used to come and help me with the housework said, pointing out to the kitchen door, that I did not need it because the snakes would never come into our home. She went ahead and told me that as long as I had that "braid" of garlic hanging on the door snakes would look the other way, they loathe the smell of garlic. Next day I went out, bought a pound of garlic and distributed the cloves in every possible corner of the house and garden. You got it! I never had a snake come near the house. Maybe it was pure luck, I will never know, I am convinced it was all those garlic cloves growing around.

I have kept the practice all these years, I love gardening and want to feel secure while enjoying my favorite activity and we all know that snakes love the tropics and other not so tropical places. Every three months I go and buy a good amount of garlic and spread it around. Of course, garlic is "thankful" and you don't have to plant it to have a beautiful plant growing quickly. I have used those "cloves" in the kitchen and the flavor is outstanding.

Here are other known and not so known uses:

-Toads don't like it either, ours is the only house in the block without toads.
-I discovered that if I dig a hole at the root of my fruit trees, ants go away.
-I read many years ago that the juice of a pound of garlic gets rid of bacteria in a hectare.
-I have been told that Roman soldiers used to wrap garlic on their feet to prevent fungi.
-It is said to be effective against viruses.
-It is said that it was used against the plague in the middle ages.
-It also has antibiotic properties- I read it can be as strong as Penicillin.
-In Latin America we say that the reason mosquitoes attack so fiercely the foreigners is because they have not eaten enough garlic.
-It is used to lower cholesterol levels.
-It is used to lower high blood pressure.
-It is used to treat colds.
-I heard that in some places they use boiled milk with garlic to treat the cough and as a decongestant.
-I was always told to eat garlic to keep parasites where they belong, out of our bodies!
-It is used to treat heart disease.
-I read that studies have been done about its effect on atherosclerosis.
-It is also said to be good to treat cancer.
-And in addition to all this, garlic keeps vampires away!!

Now, as with all in life, use caution; here are some non-positive effects:

-In Ecuador they say not to eat garlic, onions or anything that could cause irritation after a surgery - you might not heal as fast.
-I read that it thins your blood - like aspirin.
-Some people can be allergic to it - rash, temperature and headaches.
-If you are taking medication to treat HIV/AIDS, consult your doctor as it could cause harmful side effects.
-It could be a powerful kiss deterrent.

Cider Vinegar Worked!

Dear friends, I can't wait until tonight to report that this is the first morning in a long time that my head is not heavy; the cider vinegar did its job, so I took one more cup this morning.

One thing about natural methods is that we have to learn to be patient sometimes. For example, instead of popping a pill with a cup of tea, I had to look for the forgotten cider vinegar in my fridge, look for the baking soda, look for a mug that looked as if it contained 8 ounces of water, put the water in the mug and then both in the microwave before adding the vinegar and soda.

This solution worked faster than others, sometimes it takes two doses to start seeing the results (most of the times is immediate) and we get desperate in this world of instant gratification but the great thing about natural is that there are not side effects; after the cider tea last night I was not drowsy (even the non-drowsy pills put me to sleep) and this morning I am not suffering from the leftovers in my system. I can confidently drink another cider tea this morning because I know I will be able to work. Nothing can beat that!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wonder of Wonders ! Cider Vinegar

Well, tonight I was going to write about bananas and how they are good for a lot more than our children's lunch boxes, but I cannot wait to write about cider vinegar; I just found out two very important things about it.

I knew three things:

-Two tablespoons of cider vinegar in a cup of hot water and honey makes a delicious tea at any time.
-Cider vinegar is good to lower your cholesterol.
-Drinking a glass of water with one tablespoon of cider vinegar before breakfast helps to lose weight.

What I did not know and has worked for people I know:

One tablespoon in the morning before breakfast will keep H. Pylori at bay. That means no heartburn, no reflux! My friend assures me it has changed her life. H. Pylori had her with back and leg aches and sometimes even feeling that she was having minimum a severe anxiety attack. No more! She drinks religiously her vinegar every morning and now she feels normal.

-Two tablespoons in an 8 ounce cup of hot water and an eight of a teaspoon of baking soda (to control the alkalinity) will relieve your sinuses; my colleague assures me that she drank it last night in desperation because the over the counter pills were not working and she was able to sleep after several difficult nights. Needless to say, I drank my 8 ounce mug as soon as I came home. I will keep you posted...

If I don't learn anything that has the sense of urgency I felt about cider vinegar tomorrow, I should be telling you how wonderful bananas are. Now I am preparing for a good night sleep under the influence of cider vinegar.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Luscious Avocado

Avocados are simply delicious, no matter how you eat them: In salads, in soups, guacamole or like in some South American countries, as smoothies with honey and milk or ice cream.

Avocados are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, D, E; they are also rich in iron, phosphorous, calcium, potassium, magnesium, niacin and biotin. Its fatty acids are highly digestible and like many other fruits (because avocados are fruits), they are good for more than a few things:

-Avocados are good for weight control (contrary to popular belief); its fat is mono unsaturated and I read that this speeds metabolism.

-Its fat gives a feeling of fullness quickly. That is good to stop overeating.

-I read that it is good for diabetics because it balances the sugar in the blood.

-It is widely known to reduce cholesterol.

-Because it is rich in antioxidants, it is a good weapon against cancer.

-It is good for pregnant women for all of the above.

-Its vitamin E is good to delay aging.

-I was told many years ago that one small avocado has enough protein to substitute an 8 ounce steak.

-In the Caribbean islands, a tea is made with the leaves or the bark to fight colds, cough, asthma and high blood pressure.

-They also boil a leafy branch to control diarrhea.

-I just read that if you mix the seed with cheese, you can get rid of the rats in your barn - ough!

-I heard many years ago of a Peace Corp volunteer that allowed her fiancées Central American Indian family to put avocado leaves on her head to ease a headache.

-To nourish your hair and scalp. Take a very ripe avocado, puree it and then put it in your hair for about 15 minutes, then shampoo as you always do. If you want to add an egg yolk and oil, go ahead, it won't hurt, just will make your hair oilier and you will need to shampoo it more than twice.

-As a face mask for dry skin.

I like to buy them when they are still green and hard to the touch; then I leave them in a basket on my counter and wait two or three days until they are soft (but not too much) and then cut them open.

It is good to add a few drops of lime juice so it does not get black. When making guacamole it is also good to leave the pit in until you are ready to serve. One more thing, do not use metal when preparing it, use plastic or wooden utensils; this will also prevent its getting black.

Well, this is it for now. Will come back tomorrow with more things, I am debating whether I should talk about bananas or garlic; what do you think?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Salt... Sweeter Than Sugar?

Soo, we all enjoy salt in our food, right? What is a good steak without the appropriate amount of salt? What is a delicious green mango without salt? I can keep on going and not finish today; but I am here this morning to tell you that there is more to salt than seasoning.

-My father in law used boiled water with salt to relieve his sinuses.

-Salt is good to get rid of slugs (it kills them!). Don't try it on snakes though; it does not work; I tried it after using oil and bleach; the only thing that worked was a pot of boiling water... it was a small snake.

-When I was little we used to put the lettuce in salt water to make sure parasites would get off the leaves. I never had amoebas, but it could have been good fortune and good selection of veggies...

-Cooking chicken or fish in the oven over a bed of salt (nothing else) enhances the natural flavor of the meat. A friend from Paraguay gave me the secret. Just make sure you don't over do it with the amount of salt you use.

-Soaking your feet in warm water with a tablespoon of salt will relax your feet.

-And, something I was told to do recently... salt is great to wash your stainless steel pans when you burn the food in them - which is something I do very often!

Soak your burned pan or pot for a while, remove the water, add soap dish and a teaspoon of salt. Rub with the sponge and voilá! The pan is clean and shiny.

As with Aloe, I am sure I will be back with more. Don't go too far...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Aloe, A Gift From God

Aloe is in shampoo, creams and sunscreen. However, beauty is not its only aim.

My father-in-law used to grow it in in his garden and used it for any and every skin ailment; even his dogs benefited from it. We have followed his example. Here a few things that I know and others that I have been told:

-A few years ago I burned my stomach with boiling water; my husband put an open leaf on the burn and on top a bag of ice; he made me keep both all night. Even though the burn had been bad to the point that my clothes were sticking to my skin, next day I had not blisters and in two days my skin looked as though nothing had ever happened.

-I have also used it for cuts, bruises and rashes. It is especially good for little children because it does not burn and is very soothing.

-The owner of a nursery nearby told me that she made a point of blending the pulp every morning with orange juice (Aloe is extremely bitter) and drank it to prevent varicose veins. She said that she was over 55 at the time, to me she did not look older than 40 years old.

-A Colombian friend told me that in her country the potential candidates to Miss Colombia are groomed since an early age and one of their beauty secrets is to drink a beverage made as follows:

To a big jar of water they add dark brown sugar (panela) and then add the pulp of the Aloe previously cut in little squares, they let it stand overnight and drink it through the day.

-At a ladies meeting, I was told that to help with a stomach ulcer, it is good to broil the leaf on both sides and then eat the pulp - now how do you do that? I don't know. I still have to find out... in our next meeting I'll make a point of asking.

-In Ecuador you can see it often hanging from the roots with a red ribbon behind the main door; it is believed to protect from evil eye and bad vibes.

I am sure there is a lot more to tell about Aloe and as I find out I will share with you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Delicious Apple

Several years ago when we lived in Ecuador I underwent major surgery and when I was back home had serious problems going to sleep; a combination of the anesthesia, the stress and the many times they woke me up while I was in the hospital.

One of the young women that worked for me at home, suggested that I drink "colada de manzana". What she did was cook one apple with sugar in abundant water, then put it in the blender while still warm and made me drink one cup every evening. It did work! In a matter of days I was back to my regular schedule and very rested.

Do you think that's the reason why that is the first fruit we give to babies? Who knows... but it would make sense - when babies are young we need them to take long naps so we can rest a bit.

And are you ready for this? Apples belong to the rose family! Yeap! I was also surprised; but now I know why I like them so much and understand why they smell sooo good. And guess what? Archaeologists have discovered that apples were already in people's pantries more than 6, 000 years B.C.

Apples are good not only because they are very low in calories (only 80 calories estimated in a medium apple), but because they also have fiber they have no fat, no sodium and no cholesterol. Although I like to peel my apples, the advise is not to peel your apple - most of its fiber and antioxidants are in it.

Apples are one of the world's wonders; in addition to all of the above, they relieve constipation and get rid of lead and mercury in your body. Raw apples also clean your teeth and freshen your breath.

Do you think the old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is true? I do!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Humble, Mild Lettuce, Yet a Queen!

Can't sleep? Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Don't go beyond the produce aisle in your local grocery store!

Get a lettuce, any lettuce; Iceberg (or Crisphead), Romaine, Butterhead or Leaf, all are good.

You can make tea with the leaves and drink a cup or two and prepare for a wonderful night of sleep or long nap. Simple: Put two cups of water in a small pot, bring to a boil, drop two leaves of lettuce and turn off the heat. Wait 5 minutes and drink.

Even better, make a lettuce core salad... separate leaves from core and chop in little pieces, add lime juice, a bit of olive oil and salt, perfect for a snack (it will not be a big salad!).

Add lettuce to your salads and whenever you see a leaf, eat it! You will never regret it.

Many years ago, a very dear lady told me that the lettuce was know as the "body's broom". Try it, results are evident.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Refresh your feet

Did you know that when your feet are tired and aching soaking them in warm water with salt works wonders?

Glorious Mango

I love mangoes, always did! I love the fruit in all its shapes, sizes and flavors.

Let me share with you now one more reason to love mangoes. A few months ago I read that by drinking two cups of mango leaves three times a week I could lower my blood pressure! Not a hard thing to do; as soon as I got home I changed my shoes and went outside to cut two big leaves from my adored mango tree.

I left the leaves drying overnight (as I read you must do so for at least 14 hours) and next morning put them in a pot with 3 cups of water; I left this boil for 3 minutes and then waited until it cooled off a bit to drink my first cup of mango tea.

It did work!

After having enjoyed low blood pressure all my life, having high blood pressure is very scary. Now I drink mango leaves tea three days a week.

But mangoes' benefits do not stop there; did you know that the fruit also favors sleep in small children? Well, it does! If you have one of those tots that refuses to take a nap because he believes he is missing a great production, well make sure he eats some mango.

Mangoes have vitamins A and C, beta carotene, potassium, antioxidants and fiber! They are said to be also a good soother for tummy ache.

I will continue to find out new uses for mangoes, but in the meantime try making a pie with green mangoes - it will taste very much like apple pie. Bake a pie with ripe mangoes, mmhh... delicious! Try cooking them in water with sugar and cinnamon - serve them cold and enjoy.

Should we say: Eat a mango a day, keep the doctor away? I believe so!