Monday, December 15, 2008

You Too Can Have a Healthy Prostate

Eat cauliflower and broccoli!! Think about it, you can prevent and control an enlarged prostate and other related ailments with food!! Easier than tha...?

Below the list of goodies:


Pomegranate Juice

Grains & Nuts:
Flax seeds
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Wheat bran
Wheat germ
Whole grain cereals

Mineral Supplements:

Zinc Pilollinate

Saw Palmetto
Bee Pollen
Golden Seal
Pigeum Africanum
Nettle Rood
Rue grass [p;;em extracts
Fish oil (with caution)

Enlarged prostate is also called Beningn Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) or Hyperplasia. There are not known causes, except that it happens.

Let's start at the beginning; the prostate is a male reproductive gland, whose only apparent funcion (and get this, according to some sources scientists don't really know! - You should have seen the reaction of my men when I mentioned this...) seems to be to stimulate the movement of sperm after ejaculation.

But don't ever believe that this is simple or non important because thanks to the fluid it secretes in order to perform its function, the vaginal canal becomes less acidic; in other words, its job is to nourish and transport the sperm - so, there, that is its function, loud and clear!! My men feel better now...

There are several descriptions of the prostate; they all seem to be good and they all have diagrams to prove it. The prostate is a group of small glands that surround the urethra (tube that serves as conduit of urine out of the body) exactly at the point where it leaves the bladder. The bladder's starts as a pea and it attains its full size when the individual reaches the age of 25, that of a walnut.

Nobody really knows why the prostate gets bigger; it is believed that age has a lot to do as well as the testicles. It has been found that men who have had their testicles removed at an early age do not suffer of BPH and also that if the testicles are removed after they have developed this condition, the prostate gets smaller.

If you have experienced any or all of the following symptoms:
  1. Need to urinte frequently
  2. Difficulty starting to urinate
  3. Bladder does not emp;ty completely
  4. Urine dribbles/drips after you are done
  5. Strem of urine is weak and may go on a start/stop cycle
  6. Wake up to urinate two or more times in the middle of the night
  7. Sudden and strong urge to urinate
  8. Urinary issues become a big "issue" in your daily life
Your doctor probably will order one or all of the following exams:
  1. Digital rectal exam
  2. Blood test
  3. X-rays or a sonogram
  4. Urine flow study
  5. Cystoscopy (a thin tube with lenses inserted through the urethra)
The paths to follow are:
  1. If your symptoms don't bother you much, wait and watch while you consume products from the lists above; have regular checkups and if down the road you decide for another alternative, you can do it.
  2. Medication, to either shrink or relax the prostate.
  3. Non-surgical procedures that will allow doctors to remove parts of the prostate. The prostrate is reached through the urethra with thin tubes.
  4. Surgery, in cases when the prostate is particularly large.
Please remember, BPH does not mean you have cancer. Some cancer patients suffer BPH but a BPH patient does not necessarily suffer cancer. BPH by itself is not a serious condition unless the symptoms bother you too much, however, you have to keep watch as you could develop urinary tract infections.

If you can't urinate at all, call your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room. This could happen after you take over-the-counter cold medicine.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hypoglycemia, the findings

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which you need to be intimately in tune with your body to recognize its symptoms and act immediately, as my dear Friend Freya does.

Freya had an extremely serious incident in which she had to be taken to the hospital emergency; ever since, she has made a point getting to know her body and its reactions; she keeps recommended foods always at hand and she has also informed some of her close coworkers of this condition.

Before I go on I would like to say that hypoglycemia must be taken seriously; our brain needs glucose to function and ignoring hypoglycemic symptoms might lead us to: Seizures, loss of consciousness and even death.

What is hypoglycemia?

Simple: An abnormal low level of sugar in the blood.

It is also called a “low-blood sugar emergency” or an “insulin reaction” because it occurs when there is too much insulin and not enough sugar in the system.

The Hypoglycemia Support Foundation Inc. in its internet site quotes an excerpt from “The Do's and Don'ts of Hypoglycemia: An Everyday Guide to Low Blood Sugarby Roberta Ruggiero, its founder and president: hypoglycemia is the body's inability to properly handle the large amounts of sugar that the average American consumes today. It's an overload of sugar, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and stress.

Hypoglycemia manifests itself in a variety of physical and psychological symptoms:

· Irritability

· Forgetfulness

· Nervousness

· Mental confusion

· Palpitations or erratic heartbeat

· Short attention span

· Tremors (shakiness)

· Learning disabilities

· Exhaustion

· Lack of sex drive

· Faintness

· Lack of concentration

· Fatigue

· Intense itchiness

· Dizziness

· Crawling sensation under the skin

· Cold, clammy skin sweats

· Blurred vision

· Cold hands and feet

· Sugar addiction

· Migraine

· Drug addiction

· Digestive problems

· Numbness or tingling of the fingertips or lips

· Hunger in some cases, extreme

· Nausea

· Weakness

· Poor coordination

· Slurred speech

· Blurred vision

· Seizures or convulsions

· Insomnia

· Potential loss of consciousness

· Nightmares

· Alcoholism

· Crying spells

· Nervous breakdown

· Depression

· Fears

· Mood swings

· Phobias

· Anxiety

· Hostile behavior

· Difficulty walking

· Excessive sweating

· Low body temperature

It might also be the cause of bedwetting in small children. A hyperactive child might be showing a sign of hypoglycemia as well.

It is recommended that as soon as a sugar low is recognized it be treated with a fast-acting carbohydrate such as juice or if you can carry them along, glucose tablets.

There are also devices to self test your glucose levels. Please consider having one at hand if you risk suffering hypoglycemic episodes frequently.

Keep in mind that the symptoms might vary with each episode, it is important to keep in tune with your body to recognize those symptoms. In healthy people fasting sugar levels are between 70 and 99 mg. If it falls under 70 mg you might experience either a mild, moderate or severe episode depending on how low the level of sugar is in your blood.

Your doctor will study your medical history, will order a lab test and perform a physical examination. Visits to the doctor on a yearly basis are recommended.

You will need to tell your doctor about your symptoms, when do they occur and how long they last.

Make sure you tell your family, friends and coworkers about your condition and what needs to be done if you appear to be sleepy or loose consciousness so they can call emergency or act immediately; they should also know whether you take insulin or not. This is very important!

It would be ideal if you could wear a medical tag or bracelet, they can be found in drugstores.

If you are a friend, family member or coworker of a person presenting hypoglycemic symptoms, use the quick fix if needed and as long as the person is able to swallow:

Quick fix: Fruit juice or glucose tablets (if available).

Remember, treating the symptoms with a quick fix is good, but preventing future episodes is better; if medicine is causing the episodes, tell your doctor so he can find an alternative, the doctor will determine if it is also consequence of a long-term illness and will take action as necessary.

It could also be that all you need is to change some behaviors or routines.

A sensible exercise plan and appropriate diet is recommended as well as keeping a diary (same as with other conditions or ailments).

If you suspect hypoglycemia in your life, I would advise that you take the “Hypo Quiz” found in

I also recommend that you take a look at the diet recommendations found in the pages of The Hypoglycemia Support Foundation Inc. as well as in the next pages that I found so helpful. - For general nutritional questions great site with good info.

Please be advised that I did ask for authorization to post these links in this site and it was granted by the interested parties; I have the corresponding e-mails.

There is also a forum online that I did not explore, you might want to join.

It is also important to know that dieting as a hypoglycemic is not a bad thing as there is a vast array of foods that can be consumed; you will not be deprived! In fact, the list is sooo big that it pushed me into only listing the sites instead of posting it here.

As a last note to this article I would like to add that research on this condition is active and that there is hope.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Ants in your sugar?

No more! Just make sure to put a whole clove in your sugar bowl - ants dislike the smell of cloves with a passion!

My friend Karla swears by it!! I believe her.


As indicated in a post a while ago, what I publish here are the results of conscious research; however, I always advise that if you are planning on serious changes or you know or suspect a serious or delicate health condition please consult your physician. Remember, I am not a doctor nor a nutritionist. I am convinced though that there are natural remedies for all ailments and situations and that the natural way is the way to go.

What this blog brings are new ideas on how to deal with this life in a natural way, therefore you will not only see what can be done about health, but also your house cleaning, your garden, small tips on how to get rid of or control pests in a natural way, without chemicals. In addition, we all will be learning on the nutritional and curative values of the different foods we find in the grocery store (vegetables, fruits, spices, etc.).

I am back

Above all my friends, my apologies for being so late but my computer was infected by a very aggressive and daring virus that came through an unrequested e-mail that opened an unrequested ad and although my virus detector acted super fast, by the time it had killed Trojans and viruses the bad guy had already installed about other thirty offspring and every time we killed them, more came on board. It took our son three days to get rid of all malignancy. WOW!

Anyway, the virus is gone and here I am. Hypoglycemia findings to follow soon.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Dear friends, I was requested to write on a good hypoglycemic diet and my research on the subject has taken me far and wide. I have plenty of jotted notes, I have contacted some of the experts who have graciously responded and allowed me to quote them as well as post their links on this blog; however (always a however!) my notes are not in order and therefore (good companion to however) I will not be posting all the results until mid or the end of next week. Let's be patient - I promise that after I finish with hypoglycemia, I will be posting some very interesting and "easy-to-do" information on skin care.

Talk to you soon!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


In the last few weeks I have found that more and more young women suffer from insomnia; it used to be that insomnia was exclusive to people with tremendous responsibilities, horrible problems or extremely bad habits. Well, it is a misconception.

The women I have met are very young and in one of the cases with almost no cares in this world, so I have decided to investigate into the matter and this is what I have found:

According to the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute in the page of US Department of Health and Human Services, one in three adults suffers insomnia occasionally and one in ten adults suffer of chronic insomnia. Not get this, more women suffer from insomnia than men (no wonder we are loosing our hair!!).

Symptoms (daytime hours):
  1. Tiredness
  2. Lack of energy
  3. Difficulty concentrating
  4. Irritability
Possible risks:
  1. Depression
  2. Poor health
  3. Accidents
  4. Poor relationships
  5. Poor job performance
  6. Lower grades
Insomnia is perceived as a difficulty to fall asleep or a difficulty staying asleep.

The US Department of Health and Human Services
describes only two types of insomnia:
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
Other sources describe up to four:
  1. Transient insomnia (short time)
  2. Intermittent insomnia (on and off)
  3. Acute insomnia (3 weeks to 6 months)
  4. Chronic insomnia (years)
Common complaints of insomniacs:
  1. Inability to rest their minds
  2. Unable to close their eyes
Insomnia also has different patterns:
  1. Difficulty falling asleep at the beginning of the night
  2. Wake up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning and having difficulty to go back to sleep
  3. Wake up in the middle of the night or difficulty to stay asleep
Causes for insomnia:
  1. Psychoactive drugs (cocaine, ephedrine, amphetamines, etc.)
  2. Stimulants (coffee, tea, chocolate, some herbs, etc.)
  3. Hormones (such as menopause, PMS or menstruation)
  4. Emotions (fear, stress, anxiety, anger, emotional pain)
  5. Unsatisfactory sex life
  6. Mental disorders (depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
  7. Post surgery effects on our sleep pattern
  8. Jet lag (frequent travelers)
  9. Shift work
  10. Brain lesions or injuries
  11. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
  12. Abuse of sleep aids
  13. Lack or poor sleep hygiene
  14. Nightmares
  15. Sleepwalking
  16. Believe it or not, full moon is also blamed for insomnia
  17. Fatal familial insomnia
  18. An overactive mind
  19. Physical pain
Do not confuse insomnia with Delayed Sleep Syndrome or Sleep Apnea

Things to do:

  1. Keep a sleep diary (at least one week) with your sleep patterns, your routine, how you feel while awake, food intake, any of the 19 circumstances above
  2. Consult and discuss with your doctor the notes on your diary
  3. Try to go to bed at the same time each night
  4. Try to get up at the same time each morning
  5. Avoid any stimulant either late in the day or at night, better yet, avoid them (coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, tea, etc.)
  6. Exercise regularly and better if in the morning
  7. Eat early dinners (2 hours before going to bed)
  8. If light is a problem, keep your bedroom dark or use a sleeping mask
  9. If noise is a problem, keep your bedroom quiet or use earplugs or a table water fountain
  10. Establish a routine that will relax you and stimulate sleep such as reading, listening to music, taking a bath, etc.
  11. If you cannot fall asleep within 15 to 20 minutes of going to bed get up and do something peaceful as reading, drawing, etc. and then try again.
  12. If worry does not let you sleep, make a to-do list before going to bed.
  13. Do not use your bed for anything else but sleep and sex
  14. Avoid having a TV in your bedroom
  15. Choose soothing colors for your bedroom
  16. Avoid overcrowded bedrooms (for example too much furniture)
  17. Keeping a clean and orderly bedroom helps (I know it by experience)
  18. Drink soothing herbal teas such as Linden or Chamomile about 30 minutes before bedtime
  19. Making a tea with the core or two leaves of lettuce has proven to be fantastic
  20. Include in your diet foods that help relieve stress such as turkey and potatoes and of course, lettuce!
Call the doctor if:
  1. Your insomnia lasts more than four weeks
  2. You suspect your insomnia is a symptom of another medical condition
Visit the emergency room if:
  1. You notice poor coordination and attention lapses
  2. If you suffer pain
  3. If you experience any difficulty when breathing
In a nut shell, you might need to:
  1. Improve your sleep habits
  2. Correct your sleep misconceptions
  3. Control your environment
  4. Manage your behavior
  5. Attend therapy
  6. Take medications
Always consult your physician before taking any medication, over the counter or prescribed, it is very important! And, please, follow his instructions.

I will continue to investigate to keep us up to date.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Licorice (Regaliz in Spanish)

Also known as sweet root, it is said to be fifty times sweeter than sugar; licorice candy has been popular for centuries.

But being sweet and looked after in its candy form is not all there is to licorice; licorice is also known for its medicinal effects and can be used over a long period of time with no toxic effects.

Studies done on licorice indicate that it has anti inflammatory, antiviral and anti allergic properties. It is said to be good for:
  • Reduce pain caused by peptic ulcers
  • Bladder ailments
  • kidney ailments
  • Arthritis
  • Congestion due to colds
  • Sore, hoarse throat
  • Tuberculosis
  • Heartburn caused by reflux
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Skin diseases
  • Stress relief
  • As an expectorant
  • To lower LDL "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides

In addition:
  • It is being studied as a retardant to the growth of certain cancerous tumors
  • It is said to help prevent cavities
  • Its role in the treatment of heart disease and HIV is being studied
And if I were to continue pointing out the many studies that are being conducted to analyze licorice's beneficial effects in countless ailments, I would not finish tonight.

Before using, please consult with your health provider as it has been known to cause:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Water retention and/or bloating
  • Deplete the potassium levels in the body (extremely dangerous!)
  • Muscle pain
  • Numbness in arms and legs
  • Weight gain
Do not use if:

  • You suffer from PMS - avoid during those specially difficult days!
  • Suffer from high-blood pressure
  • You are pregnant or breast feeding
  • By men with decreased libido or any sexual dysfunction
  • You suffer from obesity, diabetes, heart or liver conditions
Remember, always consult with your physician before use.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


You don't have to suffer from painful gas and you really don't have to depend on over the counter medicine that eventually becomes ineffective. There are several natural and easy ways to help relieve flatulence.

  • Change your coffee for tea
  • Reduce fats and sugar
  • Exercise daily (low impact such as walking or biking, swimming is good too)
  • Do stretching exercises.
  • Chew your food slowly and completely
  • Try not to drink soda or at least limit its consumption
  • Consider being lactose intolerant; try eliminating milk from your diet or consult your doctor for an alternative.
  • If you discover that certain foods aggravate this condition reduce or eliminate their consumption
  • Chamomile tea, one cup before going to bed. It will help relax you intestines and therefore reduce spasms.
  • Ginger is also a good antispasmodic and good for most digestive ailments. Peel about one one inch of a ginger root, slice and boil in 3 cups of water for some 15 to 20 minutes. Drink through the day. Of course, you may take ginger capsules instead - just follow the directions on the bottle.
  • You might want to try chewing on fennel seeds or use them to make tea.
  • Star anise tea, used commonly for women right after delivery and for newborn babies; it is not only good for your tummy, but good to your palate.
  • Massage your tummy clockwise for 10 minutes - this will relieve discomfort and push gas out.
  • Take Yoga classes, it does relieve from gas.

    And, last but not least, lay on your back, pull your knees to your chest and then rock in a circular motion.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hair is a never ending story!

A few more things about your hair.

  • Did you know that perms can cause allergic dermatitis on yours scalp, your forehead and your neck?
  • Don't forget a well-balanced diet to keep your hair healthy and shiny, especially if you like to perm, dye or iron it constantly.
  • Always rinse your hair after swimming in the ocean or the pool.
  • If Chlorine changes the color of your hair (if you are blond, it will turn green) rinse your hair with this mixture:
        • 4 crushed aspirins in two onces of water; leave on your hair for no less than 10 minutes.
  • I was told many years ago that it is important to have several shampoos in use so you can alternate them and avoid residue; I have to report that it has worked very well. Keep in mind that it is said that regular shampoos contain around 15 ingredients, whereas the ones that have the conditioner included might have up to 25 ingredients. This is a lot to put on your hair. I should say that unless you really need the conditioner, avoid it. It might be a green measure as well...
  • Remember to rinse your hair for at least one minute after shampooing, that helps to eliminate residue.
  • Make sure to choose the shampoo with the right PH. The ones that are said to be better are the neutral or the acidic PH. Keep in mind a PH 7 is neutral, if you want it acidic look for a lower PH. And, to use lower PH for damaged or chemically treated hair. The problem is that in all the bottles I have bought, I never saw the PH specified. If any of you know how to identify the PH, please let us all know!
  • Avoid an alkaline PH for they will weaken the hair and will make it look dull. Again, where do I find the PH on the bottle??!!
  • Since most shampoos do not specify the PH, I read that you could test shampoos with litmus paper (used commonly in chemistry and found in drugstores). Litmus is extracted naturally from lichens and reportedly has been in use since the 1300s AD.
  • All I know is that if I use a shampoo that does not make my hair look good after the first wash, I never buy it again.
  • Please, please do not shampoo everyday unless absolutely necessary. If you can't go a day without washing your hair use a non-fragrant shampoo to avoid more ingredients than you should have.
  • Also, use medicated shampoos wisely; it is not good to shampoo with them on daily basis.
  • Did you know that conditioners, gels and mouse weight down your hair and attract dirt? One more reason to use them sparingly.
  • An the last but not the least, want to give more body to your fine and oily hair? Condition it before the shampoo, not after.
Y, colorín colorado, the hair story se ha acabado - the hair story has ended!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

About hair again!

My dear friend Freya shared with me the other day a prescription to get rid of dandruff that her cousin, who used to be a stylist in New York, shared with her some years ago and that worked very well:

About 24 aspirins
A small amount of peroxide

Make a paste and apply with a tooth brush on the scalp. Do it as many times as necessary until dandruff disappears. The only thing though, is I forgot to ask how often... I will and will report.

And here some more good advice:

  1. Did you know that the sun can change our hair color? Well, according to the experts, it is so, therefore we should do as in the movies from the 40's, use a scarf (or a hat) whenever we go outdoors, even if you are using products with ingredients to block ultraviolet rays, their protection is not enough.
  2. Remember what our old aunt used to say? Do not rub your hair with a towel after shampooing, blot only. Hair is very vulnerable when wet and rubbing will only damage it.
  3. Do not brush when wet, use a wide-toothed comb and like grandma used to say, better if tortoise shell, otherwise rubber should be our second choice; plastic combs so popular due to their price are a big "no-no" and don't even think of metal!
  4. And here goes what we all know very well but pay very little attention to: Blow driers, hot rollers, curling irons, straightening irons and all those fancy items that helps us look orderly and neat ARE NOT GOOD! Let's be smart and choose a hairstyle that will be easy and attractive to maintain without those harmful aids - I used to be smart, I am letting my hair grow long once more, I suppose I should prepare to look my worst most days not to go bold before I turn 80; I would not be ready to use a wig at that age.
  5. But, if you insist (like most of us) on using a blow dryer, do not use it when it is still dripping water because you will get split ends due to the excessive amount of heat needed to dry your hair.
  6. Do not use your blow dryer when your hair has dried either, it is as bad.
  7. Set your blow dryer on medium or low, never use the high setting, even if you are late to work; what is worse, a nasty look from your boss and co-workers or no hair on your head?
  8. Remember they use to tell us to brush 100 times every night? Well, they were wrong, 15 to 20 strokes should suffice, according to my sources more can damage your hair instead of helping it.
  9. Brushing at night is a very good idea, as normally your hair is totally dry and that is what we need to distribute the oils from the scalp to the tip of our hair, which will make it look shiny and healthy. Of course a natural bristle brush is what we need to use, no fake stuff for the hair miladies! Or, gentlemen too, of course!
  10. Want to get rid of that dreadful static? Apply a drop of hand cream to your palms, rub well and run your hands over your dry hair, or... get this... rub your hair lightly with a fabric softener sheet! I rather use the cream or put hair spray on my hairbrush or buy one of those miracle bottles that the hairdresser insists is a must for a hair as electric as yours.
Well, that is it for tonight, more on hair to come soon, but please don't forget: Brush gently, brush gently, brush gently - your hair can be either your best friend or your worst... (I won't say that ugly word) so, be nice to it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

More about hair

  • When you take a sauna or go to the steam baths, put conditioner in your hair, the heat will help your hair to absorb it.
  • Dilute your shampoo with water (equal amounts of water and shampoo), not only is cheaper but it won't change the effectiveness of the shampoo and will also cut down on the residue buildup.
  • To prevent dandruff, use lemon use as a rinse once a week
  • Before using an anti dandruff shampoo it is good to clean your scalp with a mixture of 4 parts water 1 part mouthwash

Did you know that:
  • An inactive thyroid can cause sudden hair loss
  • That medications for ulcers, arthritis and high cholesterol could also cause sudden hair loss
  • Any abnormality in your immune system can cause hair loss
  • That although coloring and perming will dry your hair it will not aggravate hair loss
  • Hair loss can also be caused by extreme stress (as happens after giving birth)
  • You lose hair after surgery
  • If you have a bald spot you need to apply sunblock to it as it is very sensitive to the ultraviolet rays which might result in even more hair loss
  • Most dandruff is cause by too much oil
  • Conditioners, setting lotions, mouse, gel and sprays can aggravate a dandruff condition
  • Tar shampoos may discolor your hair and irritate your scalp
  • Dryness caused by central heating could be the reason for dandruff to occur
  • It is not recommended to shampoo your hair everyday, rather try to do it every 2 or 3 days
  • If you insist on a daily shampoo, make sure to use a non fragrant, non medicated shampoo

Hair brushes

Want to make sure your hairbrush is really clean? Use the following mixture:

  • Add 2 tablespoons baking soda and 2 tablespoons colorless mouthwash to enough water to cover bristles; soak brush for some twenty minutes and then scrub using an old tooth or nail brush. Rinse and let dry.

Hair day!

How about treating hair in a natural way because "natural-is-good"? Herbal infusions have been used for hundreds of years to enhance the natural color of the hair or to add shine to it, to make the infusion follow the instructions below:
  1. Shampoo your hair as normal
  2. Add the equivalent of a tablespoon of the desired herb to two cups of water and allow to boil for 30 minutes
  3. Pour onto hair and work into the scalp. Allow to set for 20 minute
  4. Rinse throughly with lukewarm water
  5. If you want extra shine, let cold water run through your hair at the end
The herbs used for different hair colors are:

  • Clover blossom, cornflower or chamomile for blonds
  • Orange pekoe or red zinger for redheads
  • Rosemary for brunettes
In addition, consider washing with a fennel or nettle infusion to treat dandruff.

If you want to make your hair grow faster, use the water in which you washed the rice before cooking.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Toenail health

It is so easy for a fungus to invade your toenails. Stepping on a puddle on a rainy day or while working on your garden can do it, not to mention the use of contaminated scissors.

I have only allowed one wonderful lady to do my pedicure but she lives in Ecuador and when we moved to Martinique I had to start doing my own because I always have misgivings about letting somebody I don't know cut my nails or even worse, my cuticle.

So, as careful as I was in other aspects, I was not all that careful while working in the garden, which is something I love to do - not only relaxes me, it cures my melancholy or soothes my anger, depending on the circumstances.

One day I discovered I had a small white spot on my toenail and in a process that lasted several weeks, slowly the toenail separated itself from my toe. Scary and not pretty. I took some pills for several months (not before going through a blood test to check my liver) and also covered my nails with the recommended tincture in addition to some creams. My toenail kept growing and falling for approximately two years.

Needless to say I was embarrassed and could not wear sandals - I live in South Florida people! Wearing close shoes all the time is a crime punishable with an urgent desire to be home at all times to be able to wear sandals without exposing your feet to the world.

Finally one day I saw the light, I went to the natural food supermarket and went straight to the remedies aisle and looked for information. They recommended something called Sphilantex - I bought and not only took it orally but also applied it directly to all my toenails.

It worked!

Sphilantex was pulled out of the shelves, but in its place I was recommended Pau D'arc. So, this is what I do now, because I believe in prevention: I soak my feet once a week in the following:

Hot water
1 tablespoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon of peroxide
1 full dropper of Pau D'arc

And, when I have finished filing and beautifying my feet, I apply one drop of Pau D'arc to each nail. It works my friends!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sapodilla, Chico or Zapotillo

To see a beautiful picture of this deliciously sweet fruit, go to : Network for Children

Click on the Nature tab and look for Sapodilla, The Chewing-gum Tree or, you can simply click on this title.

While at the grocery store several weeks ago, I was delighted to see that they had one of my favorite fruits next to other of my favorite fruits - chicos next to mangoes and quinces; immediately i grabbed about four that were in different stages of ripening so I could enjoy them for several days and then could not wait for the first one to feel soft to the touch regardless of where I pressed with my fingers. Mmhhh, I can still taste its sweetness.

Although the chico flesh is soft and creamy, it can also feel a little grainy.

The sapodilla or chico is a Central American native and is cultivated as far as India and Thailand.

The whole tree is useful, starting with its latex, which is the source of chicle, the beginning of chewing gum. The wood, due to its durability, is used in construction and furniture making.

When eating sapodillas make sure that they are fully ripe, otherwise you will be tasting the chewy sap.

Besides eating them "au naturel"; sapodillas can be prepared in many forms, depending of their location.

The sapodilla is found as a fruit sauce, added to an egg custard; it can be fried or stewed; added to bread dough or pancake batter; sapodillas can be baked as pies or made into wine.

I read that the bark is so rich in tannins that in Philippines fishermen use it to tint their sails and fishing lines.

Now to the part that interests us as much as the taste of it, its medicinal uses:

  • A tea made with the green fruit is used to stop diarrhea
  • A tea made with the green fruit and the flowers will help relieve pulmonary ailments
  • A tea made with its dried leaves is a good remedy for coughs, colds and diarrhea
  • A tea made with the bark will stop diarrhea and dysentery
  • Its crushed seeds are good diuretics and are said to be good to expel bladder and kidney stones, but please do not eat more than six seeds or you might end up suffering abdominal pain and vomiting
  • The juice of the seeds is supposed to be a sedative and soporific
  • A tea made with sapodilla and chayote leaves is said to lower blood pressure
  • In some areas a paste made of the crushed seeds is applied on the stings of venomous animals
  • And, if all that were not enough, the latex can be used as a filling for tooth cavities when necessary

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Why is this blog important?

Dear friends, this blog is important because we need to know and understand that food is not there only for our palate's delight or to widen our hips; there is more than one purpose on every single edible item or being; sometimes non edibles can also be beneficial. As you have seen, in many cases not only the fruits are good, but the leaves and even the bark of some trees can be used for more than one "malady".

We need to explore our world and what has been placed on it. Now that we all want to go "green" this becomes very important, by using what is natural and ready, we are helping not only ourselves but also our world.

Many years ago, our naturist doctor was very clear when she explained to us that beauty and health enter our bodies through our mouths and she was right.

Please post your comments and also share with us all what has worked well with you or people you know; let us all help each other!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another trip to the past

When our ancestors suffered of an irritable stomach, they would add a few drops of lime or lemon juice to some water, mixed it with milk in equal amounts and then took the mixture by the tablespoon through the day, as needed.

Didn't feel well (malaise) and didn't know why? Took a handful of barley and washed it in cold water changing the water several times; at the end left 4 cups of water and allowed this to boil until the water had reduced to 2 cups, added lemon rind and sugar for flavor and ate it without straining.

Without energy and looking forward to a long and hard day? Took a handful of oats and mixed with two quarts of cold water; allowed it to stand for 30 minutes and drank it through the day - as needed. This very much sounds like Orchata, doesn't it? All we have to do is blend it, add sugar and maybe cinnamon or vanilla.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I grew up with tamarind juice for lunch; I never really liked it until now, when it is hard to get... strange? No! very common indeed to yearn for something when we don't have it anymore.

I thought tamarind was a Guatemalan tree and now I find out that it is actually African and that India and Mexico claim it as their own as well.

At any rate it is a tropical evergreen, which requires dry soil during fruit development.

Tamarind has diverse uses in the kitchen, like the juice I used to drink or as an ingredient to prepare preserves or chutney; to make meat sauces, marinades an to pickle fish.

Candy can be made by mixing the pulp with dry sugar and molding it into colorful balls leaving the pit inside so you can roll it in your mouth at the end. You may always eat the fresh fruit, it might be a little tart but it is agreeable to the taste.

I also found out that it is an important ingredient on Worcestershire sauce, I suppose the English learned that from the Indians.

And here are some of its uses:

  • The wood is used to make furniture and wood flooring because it is dense and durable
  • In some places in Asia, the pulp is used to polish brass
  • The tea of the leaves is used to reduce Malaria fever
  • In Guatemala the tamarindo juice is used to relieve constipation - the stronger the juice the faster its effect
  • In the Caribbean, the tea is given to individuals suffering measles
  • Also in the Caribbean the tea is used to bathe individuals suffering measles, small pox, chicken pox and body ache
  • Again, the tea can be used as an eye wash to reduce the red and the swell
  • The tea made out of its roots is used in the Caribbean to control hemorrhages
  • and if all of the above were small, the tea of tamarind leaves can also be used when suffering chest colds, cough, sore throat and of all thing, Diabetes!
I believe a tamarind tree would probably make a beautiful Bonsai.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I had a plant of edible ginger once; it grew beautifully - white flowers at the end of long, healthy green stems. We enjoyed using the root for teas, soups and Chinese dishes.

One of the reasons I planted the root I bought at the grocery store, is because at the time I was chronically suffering of a sore throat and I had been told to drink the tea or broth (depending on what I liked more - sweet or savory). Since the results were excellent, my curiosity was piqued and I had to research on it.

Please note that only the root is edible and that only of the Zingiber Officinale.

Here is what I found out:

  • Ginger is a good decongestant - nose and chest. Therefore recommended for asthma, coughs, colds, and the flu.
  • It stops the production of mucus (see above)
  • It purifies your breath (that's why it is always served right next to sushi)
  • It is a great digestion aid
  • It is used to aid gastric problems
  • It is great for a sore throat
  • If you are shivering, have some ginger tea, it will warm you up and will eliminate toxins through your skin
  • If you are having a headache, it is good to chew on a piece of this spicy and delicious root
  • In the islands of the Caribbean the powdered ginger is made into a paste and then spread on brown paper that is made into a sort of envelope and then applied on the forehead to relieve a headache
Uses in the kitchen: Add a piece of ginger root and two sprigs of mint to the chicken soup, it is delicious and very healthy.

Ginger tea or broth on the stove: Great for colds and chest congestion, take a 3 inch piece of ginger root, peel and cut into little pieces, add three cups of water and bring to a boil until it goes down to two cups, if you like it savory add a chicken bouillon; if you like it sweet add plenty of sugar and juice of one lime. WARNING: If done like this it will be very spicy, not good if you suffer of stomach ulcers.

Ginger tea in the microwave: Take a piece of about 1 1/2 inch of ginger root, peel and cut in slim pieces, put in a mug, add water and microwave for two minutes. Add plenty of sugar and the juice of a lime - it is delicious.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bad memory? Here is what our forefathers did

No vitamins, no complicated exercises, just try this one:

1. Lie down, take three strips of raw bacon and place it on your forehead. Your memory should return soon.

More advise from years past

"After breakfast, work awhile;
After dinner, sit awhile;
After supper, walk a mile."

If you want to make sure your baby won't be crossed eyed, make sure that he does not look at himself in a mirror.

And this is one of my favorites:

If your ears are burning, name one person you think could be talking about you
for each ear. You will know who is talking about you when that ear stops burning.

Monday, May 12, 2008

How to regain good health - lore

Find your best dairy cow and take it to a meadow, milk and pronounce out loud:
"The health is in the milk!". Now, somehow get the cow to kick the bucket full of milk and spill it over - lick the spilt milk - see how you recover your good health.

Strange, but I wonder... when I was little and later on when my boys were little, I used to hear that children should be allowed or be exposed to dirt, that this unappreciated element would for sure strengthen their immune system.

On my part I would be so happy drinking the fresh milk that I would probably not leave much in the bucket to be spilled by the cow's kick.

On the other hand, how about if the cow feels lazy, does not want to raise its foot or simply does not want to move - can you coerce it to kick - the equivalent to twist somebody's arm, in its case its front leg?

How about if you get to close to that kick? I think I better stop here!

Old time folk cures

"For every illness under the sun,
there is a cure or there is none.
If there is a cure, go and find it.
If there is none, never mind it."

Now I would like to go back in time, to the 18th and 19th centuries here in our United States.

Remember, if you feel tempted to try any of the remedies or procedures, think about it, be careful.

Now if you feel tempted to smile with skepticism, think that many of these remedies were amazingly efficient and some became the platform that launched our modern medicine.

Before syrups and pills, there were teas, ointments, tonics, poultices and salves and several strange and effective processes to get relief if not cured.

So, let's move on to the first of my findings.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

White Vinegar

My apologies to all my readers for being absent. Here I am again.

Yesterday I was with my good friends Leslie, Myriam and Janet and among many things we shared a few secrets about white vinegar.

1. Get rid of all chemical residuals in your hair. After shampooing your hair and before the rinse, pour some white vinegar in it; it will not only eliminate all chemical residuals but will also leave it soft and manageable. Myriam said that the first time she used it, there was this plastic-like substance coming out of her hair. Now she is a believer!

2. Clean your clothes washer periodically. Then I remembered what I have been doing for several years since a Venezuelan lady shared this with me. Once a month or every two months (depending on when I remember to do this) I put 1/2 a cup of coarse salt and 1 cup of white vinegar in the washer, then run a cycle and it is ready to go. This will eliminate all the fuzz and guck (slimy matter) that accumulates even if we don't see it. Clean washer = cleaner clothes.

3. Wood cleaner and polisher. When I was little living in Guatemala, long before commercial cleaners in their multiple variations would invade the market, my mother used to make a mixture of cooking oil and vinegar to clean the wooden furniture once a week. I remember a glass bottle with something not precisely attractive and smelling rather sour, however, her furniture always looked shiny and clean.

Simple ways, environmental ways and not too expensive. What do you think?

Friday, May 2, 2008


I don't know if this happens to you, but when I have a headache, I have a headache! I can't think clearly, I don't see very well, I do not want to talk, I do not want to be touched, and everything and anything ignites a spark that makes me "not a nice person".

Of course there are plenty of over-the-counter medicaments that work fairly well, however, they do alleviate the symptom... they do not go to the core of the problem.

A headache could be caused by a million things: Stress, menstruation in women, "growing pains" in young men, indigestion, bad posture, lack of sleep, allergies, hunger, anger, heat, cold, sinusitis, prolonged exercise, prolonged sun exposure, vision problems, inappropriate prescription glasses or lenses; the list could go on and on.

Here are the several things I have found we can do besides taking the well known over-the-counter medicine.
  • Reduce all external stimuli, such as light and noise
  • Exercise outdoors
  • Do not smoke
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages
  • Open the windows and allow fresh air in
  • Turn off the radio and the TV or, that infamous electronic game
  • Try to relax using one of the many techniques available
We can also:

  • Refer to my posting on parsley from March 28th
  • Use acupressure: Using the tips of your index finger and your thumb to put pressure over the bridge of your nose
  • Rub the soft area between your index finger and your thumb
  • Put your feet in water that is at 95 degrees Fahrenheit and gradually add hot water every five minutes until it reaches 115 degrees; once the water reaches this temperature, leave your feet for five minutes and then add cold water until it is lukewarm. Dry your feet, put on socks and lay down for 20 minutes.
  • Cover yourself (warm sweater and pants) to make sure your whole body is warm, put your feet in cold water for 10 minutes dry your feet and put socks on.
  • A quick way to get read of your headache will be to add a few drops of lime juice to a sugarless cup of coffee and drink it very slowly. However, be aware that this could irritate your stomach.
  • It is believed that kava kava alleviates headaches caused by stress and that ginkgo biloba can prevent migraines.
There are some poultices that can be used to alleviate a headache and I will dedicate a post to them.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pineapple a bromeliad!

A Flower? Juicy, sweet and delicious.

Pineapples are rich in: vitamins A, C, E, K, vitamin B1/2/3 (thiamin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), B12, niacin, fiber, abundant in water plus calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc.

Besides having about 75 calories per serving and zero cholesterol, it contains no saturated fats or mono fats; it does have though omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. It does contain some amino acids and citric, organic and malic a acids.

With all those good things said, I would like to tell you that my husband got chicken pox when he was 35 years old; the boys had gone through it, a young girl that worked for us also got it and then, when I thought all had passed, he got it! At the time we were living in Ecuador and because of his age I expected something horrible to happen, but we had a wonderful doctor that came to the house everyday and gave him these great anti-inflammatory medicine based on pineapples and papayas, plus indicated that he should follow a bland diet. He hardly had one or two blisters, and in general it all went very well. After that I decided to investigate a little more on those two fruits. I found out that pineapples are:

-a great anti-inflammatory

-a great protection against macular degeneration

-a great digestive aid, get rid of constipation

-provide antioxidant protection

-a great booster of the immune system

-energy booster

Pineapples are used not only as a dessert but also in the preparation of main dishes, in addition to making great fresh juice and ice cream; and I mention ice cream separated from desserts because ice cream is ice cream!

Pineapples have been so important throughout history that King Charles II of England posed for a portrait receiving a pineapple as a gift.

Sculptures of pineapples have been displayed outside homes as a sign of hospitality – welcoming friends and strangers.

In the north east of the United States, having pineapple served during important events said a lot about the host and hostess social status and it is said that pineapples were rented by the day so they could be exhibited at these events.

It is also associated with warm memories.

Pineapples are peeled, cut and cored before eating. The core is so fibrous that it could cut small incisions on the tongue making it a little difficult to eat; the “eyes” of the pineapple should also be avoided, they are prickly.

If possible, the best way to present it is the way the people from Thailand do (I am sure there is a great method to follow, I’ll do my best to explain):

Cut the crown and put aside

Cut the base and discard

Peel by sections starting at the top towards the bottom

Once all peel is gone, make diagonal incisions to eliminate the “eyes”

Core with a long, thin knife (in Thailand they have a special device for this)


Put slices together on a platter forming the pineapple

Cut in sections and top with the crown

It not only looks beautiful, it is ready for guests at a buffet table


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Tea, is more than a waker upper and a delicious brew that can be enjoyed at any time during the day.

-Controls and prevents gas. I learned this during a women's retreat last year. Most women have serious problems using public bathrooms and even more problems when the bathroom is in a shared cabin. I learned this from two Colombian ladies when searching for the farthest, most hidden bathroom in the compound. Drink tea, it will make your stay more comfortable.

-Contains fluoride. Good not only for your teeth but also for your bones. I read a long time ago that fluoride fixates calcium to your bones.

-Menstrual cramps? Put a pair of socks to warm your feet and have a delicious cup of tea with plenty of sugar; wait a few minutes and you will see how good it feels. You can also add a warm towel to your tummy.

-Pink eye? Why use antibiotic creams or drops if you have tea handy and it actually works faster! Boil about half a cup of water or less, put two bags of tea in it and then put it in the freezer to cool as much as possible without allowing it to freeze. Put a bag on each eye and allow the tea to go into your eyes, you can always let some drops in with a dropper. It feels fresh and soothing in addition to improve your eyes dramatically. I have used it many times not only for pink eye but when my eyes are tired or irritated.

-Bought your nylons in a shade too pale for your skin? Let your nylons boil in tea for a few minutes - it works! We all did when I was in high school.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Melissa or Lemon Balm - Toronjil

I remember that when I was a little girl, adults would joke about giving Melissa tea "agua de toronjil" to anybody that was sour, edgy or plain rude.

Melissa or Lemon Balm is a member of the mint family. It is known to have been used in the middle ages as a calming herb to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep. It is also used as a digestion aid and to calm menstrual cramps or colics.

Melissa was brought from the middle east to the west by the Benedictine monks and later brought to the North American colonies not only as medicine but also as a seasoning herb.

Because of its fragrance, Melissa attracts bees, therefore its name, which means "honey bee".

When used as essential oil, it can even be used to calm stressed or overactive children: put a few drops in a humidifier or in one of those essential oil heaters (I don't know their name).

Melissa also alleviates respiratory difficulties in cases of allergy, asthma, cough, colds, etc.

In addition to the above, it heals cold sores: Take a drop of Melissa's essential oil and add a drop of water, apply over the sore or blister.

It also can be used to alleviate itchiness caused by insect bites: Add 1 teaspoon of Melissa's essential oil to 3.5 ounces of petroleum Vaseline, mix well. Rub lightly on bites.

To alleviate the pain caused by herpes zoster, add 5 drops of Melissa's essential oil to 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Rub it lightly and regularly over affected area.

The tea is made by adding 3 leaves to a litter of boiling water; turn off and let brew. Drink as much as needed. If given to children, instead of three leaves, use only one.

NEVER apply Melissa's essential oil directly on the skin as it might irritate it; always use water, Vaseline or olive or jojoba oil to dilute.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Are you suffering from backache and not sure what is causing it? X-rays show nothing abnormal? Lab tests come back normal?

Try putting your feet one at a time under the water before the rest of your body when you take a shower; just as you were taught to do when you were little.

This was good advise given to my husband by an older and wise friend when we lived in Costa Rica. It worked very well.

We both have adopted that ever since.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Milk to treat a congested cold?

Believe it or not! Maybe it was because at the time milk was not contaminated with all the extra "good things" they have added.

What I remembered last night is that when I was little, I suffered from asthma. My mother used to cook milk with thyme, cinnamon and coconut and give it to me. It always was good, but as I said, milk was pure then.

Nowadays, milk makes me sneeze, get a stuffed nose and sometimes gives me the sensation of an oppressed chest; of course that does not happen when I drink organic milk.

This all reminds me that thyme is also very good for many things... but, that is subject for another post.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Want to get rid of the phlegm?

My niece, who is attending fourth year of med school, was taken to the hospital last week with pneumonia.

My mother who just turned 79 started showing symptoms of pneumonia. Needless to say, we have been extremely worried, as this happened just after she had almost stopped eating for several weeks and had lost a considerable amount of weight.

The doctor prescribed a strong antibiotic for my mom and other medication for the phlegm and the cough. The antibiotic started working and her fever went down, however the syrup was not doing its job and the doctor has to be very careful in what he prescribes since she is taken medication for high blood pressure and some heart issues.

One of the neighbors, a doctor's wife, came to visit and advised the following, which by the way has been extremely helpful and... with no side effects!

1 carrot
1 clove of garlic
1 1/2 cups of water, bring to a boil, let it go down to two cups
Drink the tea sweetened with honey

Proven to be effective!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I always liked my freckles until we moved to South Florida, then maybe because of the unavoidable exposure to the sun all of a sudden my freckles became so big that they started joining one another making the equivalent to the America's map on my left cheek.

I have been using several prescription lotions and even a sunscreen with an SPF 80; it has been a long, long, long process and just now one of those horrendous freckles started to fade somewhat.

Searching, searching, I found that dandelions have proven to be quite successful in the treatment of freckles and I will start using the two mixtures below as soon as I find dandelions. I am going to the natural food store this week - they probably have them.

Here are the recipes I found in a loose page of what must have been a very, very old book.


Get a handful of dandelion flowers in a litter and 1/4 of cold water. Let boil for 20 to 30 minutes, sieve. Wash your face in the morning and at night with this.


Make a cream with the following:

100 grams of dandelion flowers fresh juice (I have no idea how to make this though)
100 grams of rice starch
Starch glycerate (a trip to the natural food store is a must now!)
Apply every night

I am going to look for the ingredients and will keep you posted. However, if any of my readers decides to go for these two items and find the ingredients sooner,please share with us the results.