Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hair day!

How about treating hair in a natural way because "natural-is-good"? Herbal infusions have been used for hundreds of years to enhance the natural color of the hair or to add shine to it, to make the infusion follow the instructions below:
  1. Shampoo your hair as normal
  2. Add the equivalent of a tablespoon of the desired herb to two cups of water and allow to boil for 30 minutes
  3. Pour onto hair and work into the scalp. Allow to set for 20 minute
  4. Rinse throughly with lukewarm water
  5. If you want extra shine, let cold water run through your hair at the end
The herbs used for different hair colors are:

  • Clover blossom, cornflower or chamomile for blonds
  • Orange pekoe or red zinger for redheads
  • Rosemary for brunettes
In addition, consider washing with a fennel or nettle infusion to treat dandruff.

If you want to make your hair grow faster, use the water in which you washed the rice before cooking.

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