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- When you take a sauna or go to the steam baths, put conditioner in your hair, the heat will help your hair to absorb it.
- Dilute your shampoo with water (equal amounts of water and shampoo), not only is cheaper but it won't change the effectiveness of the shampoo and will also cut down on the residue buildup.
- To prevent dandruff, use lemon use as a rinse once a week
- Before using an anti dandruff shampoo it is good to clean your scalp with a mixture of 4 parts water 1 part mouthwash
Did you know that:- An inactive thyroid can cause sudden hair loss
- That medications for ulcers, arthritis and high cholesterol could also cause sudden hair loss
- Any abnormality in your immune system can cause hair loss
- That although coloring and perming will dry your hair it will not aggravate hair loss
- Hair loss can also be caused by extreme stress (as happens after giving birth)
- You lose hair after surgery
- If you have a bald spot you need to apply sunblock to it as it is very sensitive to the ultraviolet rays which might result in even more hair loss
- Most dandruff is cause by too much oil
- Conditioners, setting lotions, mouse, gel and sprays can aggravate a dandruff condition
- Tar shampoos may discolor your hair and irritate your scalp
- Dryness caused by central heating could be the reason for dandruff to occur
- It is not recommended to shampoo your hair everyday, rather try to do it every 2 or 3 days
- If you insist on a daily shampoo, make sure to use a non fragrant, non medicated shampoo
Want to make sure your hairbrush is really clean? Use the following mixture:
- Add 2 tablespoons baking soda and 2 tablespoons colorless mouthwash to enough water to cover bristles; soak brush for some twenty minutes and then scrub using an old tooth or nail brush. Rinse and let dry.
How about treating hair in a natural way because "natural-is-good"? Herbal infusions have been used for hundreds of years to enhance the natural color of the hair or to add shine to it, to make the infusion follow the instructions below:
- Shampoo your hair as normal
- Add the equivalent of a tablespoon of the desired herb to two cups of water and allow to boil for 30 minutes
- Pour onto hair and work into the scalp. Allow to set for 20 minute
- Rinse throughly with lukewarm water
- If you want extra shine, let cold water run through your hair at the end
The herbs used for different hair colors are:- Clover blossom, cornflower or chamomile for blonds
- Orange pekoe or red zinger for redheads
- Rosemary for brunettes
In addition, consider washing with a fennel or nettle infusion to treat dandruff.If you want to make your hair grow faster, use the water in which you washed the rice before cooking.
It is so easy for a fungus to invade your toenails. Stepping on a puddle on a rainy day or while working on your garden can do it, not to mention the use of contaminated scissors.
I have only allowed one wonderful lady to do my pedicure but she lives in Ecuador and when we moved to Martinique I had to start doing my own because I always have misgivings about letting somebody I don't know cut my nails or even worse, my cuticle.
So, as careful as I was in other aspects, I was not all that careful while working in the garden, which is something I love to do - not only relaxes me, it cures my melancholy or soothes my anger, depending on the circumstances.
One day I discovered I had a small white spot on my toenail and in a process that lasted several weeks, slowly the toenail separated itself from my toe. Scary and not pretty. I took some pills for several months (not before going through a blood test to check my liver) and also covered my nails with the recommended tincture in addition to some creams. My toenail kept growing and falling for approximately two years.
Needless to say I was embarrassed and could not wear sandals - I live in South Florida people! Wearing close shoes all the time is a crime punishable with an urgent desire to be home at all times to be able to wear sandals without exposing your feet to the world.
Finally one day I saw the light, I went to the natural food supermarket and went straight to the remedies aisle and looked for information. They recommended something called Sphilantex - I bought and not only took it orally but also applied it directly to all my toenails.
It worked!
Sphilantex was pulled out of the shelves, but in its place I was recommended Pau D'arc. So, this is what I do now, because I believe in prevention: I soak my feet once a week in the following:
Hot water
1 tablespoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon of peroxide
1 full dropper of Pau D'arc
And, when I have finished filing and beautifying my feet, I apply one drop of Pau D'arc to each nail. It works my friends!
To see a beautiful picture of this deliciously sweet fruit, go to : Network for ChildrenClick on the Nature tab and look for Sapodilla, The Chewing-gum Tree or, you can simply click on this title.While at the grocery store several weeks ago, I was delighted to see that they had one of my favorite fruits next to other of my favorite fruits - chicos next to mangoes and quinces; immediately i grabbed about four that were in different stages of ripening so I could enjoy them for several days and then could not wait for the first one to feel soft to the touch regardless of where I pressed with my fingers. Mmhhh, I can still taste its sweetness.
Although the chico flesh is soft and creamy, it can also feel a little grainy.
The sapodilla or chico is a Central American native and is cultivated as far as India and Thailand.
The whole tree is useful, starting with its latex, which is the source of chicle, the beginning of chewing gum. The wood, due to its durability, is used in construction and furniture making.
When eating sapodillas make sure that they are fully ripe, otherwise you will be tasting the chewy sap.
Besides eating them "au naturel"; sapodillas can be prepared in many forms, depending of their location.
The sapodilla is found as a fruit sauce, added to an egg custard; it can be fried or stewed; added to bread dough or pancake batter; sapodillas can be baked as pies or made into wine.
I read that the bark is so rich in tannins that in Philippines fishermen use it to tint their sails and fishing lines.
Now to the part that interests us as much as the taste of it, its medicinal uses:
- A tea made with the green fruit is used to stop diarrhea
- A tea made with the green fruit and the flowers will help relieve pulmonary ailments
- A tea made with its dried leaves is a good remedy for coughs, colds and diarrhea
- A tea made with the bark will stop diarrhea and dysentery
- Its crushed seeds are good diuretics and are said to be good to expel bladder and kidney stones, but please do not eat more than six seeds or you might end up suffering abdominal pain and vomiting
- The juice of the seeds is supposed to be a sedative and soporific
- A tea made with sapodilla and chayote leaves is said to lower blood pressure
- In some areas a paste made of the crushed seeds is applied on the stings of venomous animals
- And, if all that were not enough, the latex can be used as a filling for tooth cavities when necessary
Dear friends, this blog is important because we need to know and understand that food is not there only for our palate's delight or to widen our hips; there is more than one purpose on every single edible item or being; sometimes non edibles can also be beneficial. As you have seen, in many cases not only the fruits are good, but the leaves and even the bark of some trees can be used for more than one "malady".
We need to explore our world and what has been placed on it. Now that we all want to go "green" this becomes very important, by using what is natural and ready, we are helping not only ourselves but also our world.
Many years ago, our naturist doctor was very clear when she explained to us that beauty and health enter our bodies through our mouths and she was right.
Please post your comments and also share with us all what has worked well with you or people you know; let us all help each other!